yeah im new to this stuff and am loving it. i ran out of varget the other day. still haave arround 300 lc .223 cases left. i bought some alliant ar comp the other day but am not having any luck finding load data for a 50 grain z max which is the only bullet i have. so i guess im gonna have to take the long road of working up a load slowly instead of having a really good start point. killing me here. absolutly killing me gonna start having some fun tomarrow and workin up that load ill let you all know what i found out. cus ive seen alot of that ar comp at the local shops arround here its new so hardly anyone buying it.
Hornady 9, page 152, 52-53 gr bullets, AR Comp
Start 23.5 grs for 2900 fps
Max 25.5 grs for 3200 fps
Close to your bullet, begin at start load and work up watching for pressure signs.
You don't always find data for your exact components, going up to the next weight bullet will work for you here.