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Posted: 1/20/2013 11:30:20 AM EDT
Allright i normally reload before I go to work.  i normally have about 2-3 hours before i go to work.  i had today off from work and have been busy working on a car and doing other stuff arround the house.  I am currently jonesing here.  im going to have to go to a reloadaholics anonymous meeting.  Start off with saying My name is yamaha 605 and im a reloadaholic.  anyone one else want to join.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 6:43:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 9:25:24 PM EDT
Me too.

I hate it when I run out of brass, and can' t reload again until I can make it to the desert range to empty the brass.

It' s just been too cold to venture out to the desert lately.  We haven' t seen a day above freezing since December.

I' m getting the shakes.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 9:27:50 PM EDT
Hi, My name is Jim.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 11:27:46 PM EDT
yeah im new to this stuff and am loving it.  i ran out of varget the other day.  still haave arround 300 lc .223 cases left.  i bought some alliant ar comp the other day but am not having any luck finding load data for a 50 grain z max which is the only bullet i have.  so i guess im gonna have to take the long road of working up a load slowly instead of having a really good start point.  killing me here.  absolutly killing me gonna start having some fun tomarrow and workin up that load ill let you all know what i found out.  cus ive seen alot of that ar comp at the local shops arround here its new so hardly anyone buying it.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:22:21 AM EDT
Won't have that problem this week. My son and I down loaded 100 rounds of sub-sonic 54R ammo Saturday, tested some .308s loaded with WC-844 and tuned the new adjustable gas valve on the 49-56.

Now besides having to rework those cases I have to load up some 7.5x54 MAS ammo with the WC-844 to test next time.

So I guess I got my "fix" for a while.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:57:05 AM EDT
Hi, I'm Wolf, and I have taken the first step in admitting I have a problem.

The problem is so bad, that sometimes I find myself shooting just so I have some empty cases to load.

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 6:56:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 8:48:07 AM EDT
Hi, my name is Steel.

I am not at home unless I have 5 reloading projects scattered about the room.  It gets so bad that I forget where I was going with some projects and have to keep notes.  

I've had a worsening of my condition.  Sigh, I'm a bullet caster now.  
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 8:50:02 AM EDT
Hi, my name is Zach, and I'm a reloadaholic.

I am no longer satisfied using a single stage press and have been saving for a Dillon 550.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 9:10:43 AM EDT
I sit at work going through my reloading database, target pics, and looking for sales on Midway, Brownells, and many other sites. I too was not satisfied with a single stage and recently purchased a Hornady LNL. I have a problem.
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