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Page Armory » Blades
Posted: 8/13/2007 9:44:12 PM EDT
There are many, many knives on the market, that are designed to be opened with the flick of a thumb. Many of these have the little "buttons" at the base of the blade.

However, carrying for CCW backup, these must be carried for LEFT-HANDED opening. This is very inconvenient, as the knives are made for righties.

Is there a special sheath that will help open these knives quickly, or would such a device be illegal?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:50:55 AM EDT


+1....Why not a fixed blade?  If you are set on a folder, maybe one of the spring assist models may be what your looking for.  I am a lefty and don't have any problem opening most of the latest "tacticool" knives.  Most are available with reversible pocket clips.  
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:59:21 AM EDT
Look into the Emerson line of knives. Most of them have a feature that allows you to open the knife as you are drawing it from your pocket. With a little practice the blade will be open before the knife completely leaves your pocket.


ETA: If I remember correctly that do make left handed models as well.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 11:25:10 AM EDT
By "right-handed," I meant that the clip is mounted so that the knife can be best opened one-handed if carried on the right hip pocket.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 8:52:07 PM EDT

By "right-handed," I meant that the clip is mounted so that the knife can be best opened one-handed if carried on the right hip pocket.

Look at Benchmade or SOG. Most models from both brands have moveable clips that can be switched around.
I am right-handed, and I am armed on duty and off. I carry a knife at all times on the support (left) side. I have several dozen BM's and SOG's, and each one is set up for left hand carry. I am just as fast on the draw with a manual (BM Axis Lock), assited open (SOG Trident), or auto (BM Auto Presidio 5000).
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 9:12:53 PM EDT
I have quite a few CRTK M21-04, M21-02, Desert Cruiser, M16-03's. While the smaller 02-03 aren't lefty user friendly the M21-04 and the Desert Cruiser can be made for left or right carry, tip up or tip down. The holes are pre drilled and all you need in a small Torx Bit to adapt to your needs.

I would think there are a lot of others offering the same options for left or right carry and tip up or down it CRKT does.

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 9:16:27 PM EDT
Ka-bars TDI knife is very easy and fast to deploy left handed. It was designed as a weapon retention knife for LEOs.
Link Posted: 8/17/2007 10:07:28 AM EDT
Any Emerson with the wave feature can be deployed with the left hand when carried in the back left pocket.  However the blade will be on the pinkie side of your hand, not the thumb side.
Link Posted: 8/17/2007 10:14:37 AM EDT
Page Armory » Blades
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