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Posted: 1/10/2003 1:55:03 PM EDT
I'm curious as to what Rifled Slugs folks at AR15.Com prefer for defense.

I like to choose optimal loads for my weapons
but for my Tac Shotguns my loads are pretty general: Remington Slugger 1.oz 2 3/4 solid slugs
and 00 Buck. What do you use?
Link Posted: 1/10/2003 2:08:36 PM EDT
With my personal shotguns, I like Federal Magnum 00 and Federal 1oz slugs for general purpose.  I used to keep some of the Federal Tactical load 00, but since it doesnt function 100% in my Benelli, I only keep the full power stuff on hand now.  I also have a few of the Brenneke 1oz slugs in the side saddles of my Benelli and 870.  They are a full sharp edged profile slug, made of extremely hard lead.  The only slug Id depend on for getting through something to the target on the other side
Link Posted: 1/10/2003 5:44:11 PM EDT
Winchester 2 3/4" non magnum #1 Buck, 16 pellet load, and Federal 2 3/4" 1oz. lead slug.
Link Posted: 1/10/2003 5:53:46 PM EDT
12 ga Thermo Nuclear Tip, If it does not go
through, you just eliminate the target
Link Posted: 1/10/2003 7:52:08 PM EDT
im sure any slug will do the trick. at least i have never heard of a slug not doing the job on anything smaller than a mule deer
Link Posted: 1/10/2003 8:59:47 PM EDT
Federal 12 pellet 2.75" Mag. 00 Buck, and Winchester 1oz. 2.75" slugs here.
Very Nasty!!
Link Posted: 1/11/2003 12:17:51 PM EDT
Has anyone done a comparison between
Federal 2 3/4 1oz. slugs vs. their 2 3/4
1oz. "Advanced Technology" slugs?
Link Posted: 1/11/2003 1:11:33 PM EDT
Federal sabots....barns expanders.......second is.....brennike ....next is rem....sabots......check out the remington core lokt sabots....1950 fps muzzle velocity....actually...all you would need for s/d..is 2/34...pumpkin balls........have a couple boxes of sellier/bellot......work fine...
Link Posted: 1/11/2003 1:19:08 PM EDT
remington low recoil, no kick and actually works in my POS mossberg everything else jams.
Link Posted: 1/11/2003 1:41:08 PM EDT

Federal sabots....barns expanders.......second is.....brennike ....next is rem....sabots......check out the remington core lokt sabots....1950 fps muzzle velocity....actually...all you would need for s/d..is 2/34...pumpkin balls........have a couple boxes of sellier/bellot......work fine...

I've been wanting to try Sabot loads for the longest time, but I'm working with standard
Cylinder Bore scatter gun barrels in both my
SGs. Getting a rifled barrel would be great but
I figure it would it would limit my load versatility. Anybody mess around with Flachettes?
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