This afternoon I ran my E4 in a local 3-gun match. I was a llittle worried the day before because I needed to sight in a new optic (Trijicon Accupoint 1-4x) and discovered a problem using PMC ammo and the Brass Buster. The PMC seemed to have hard primers and I had multiple light strikes which would not touch off the round. When the PMC was working the Brass Buster sometimes directed the empty casings back into the ejection port which caused a jam. I just decided not to use the Brass Buster for the match.
Fast Forward to today. I decided to use steel cased Hornidy practice ammo as I have never had a light primer strike problem and my E4 actually loves this ammo. Funny because Hornidy hasn't learned from Wolf who went from lacquering the casings to using a polymer coating. The Hornidy is heavilly lacquered but my E4 loves it anyway. It is also a good thing that I brought the Brass Buster with me just in case as one of the stages required you to shoot weak side on some 200 yard steel swingers.
My E4 functioned flawlessly with zero problems of any kind and my times were much faster then the last time I shot the match with my 10.5" AR. I atribute the faster times to zero muzzle rise with the Battle Comp I installed, lighter recoil, & better balance then my AR's. All in all I was extreemely happy with the E4's performance. The other two guns I used were a 14" Remy 870 shotgun with an Insight Technologies MRDS optic and an FN45 Tactical with a Trijicon Dual Illumination RMR optic.
I will post pictures of the guns when I take some on Monday,