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Posted: 4/21/2007 3:57:03 PM EDT
On my plate carrier, I always carry around

CR123 Batteries (6 of em)
Couple yards of para-cord
1911 barrel bushing wrench
Small bottle of outers gun-oil
Motorola Radio
Spare ear-plugs
Small knife
G2 flashlight

What else do you carry on your gear?  I got some extra space and I was wondering if there are any other "essentials" that I am missing.  I'm not trying to get too specific for any one premise, just good general items to carry on my vest.

I'm thinking I should add some AA batteries for the radio/whatever else, as well as some bug spray...what kind of spray do you recommend?  IE, I dont want it to leak or blow up, so what do ya use?

Link Posted: 4/21/2007 4:00:53 PM EDT
Med supplies (blow out kit)!
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 4:30:45 PM EDT

Med supplies (blow out kit)!

What do you have in there?  I forgot to add that to the list of things I need to add.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 5:10:21 PM EDT
Depending on what type of activity/operation ( LE, Military Ops, SHTF )your plate carrier is set up for, you can add all types of gear to it.  Some of the items you listed would fit in my third line gear category( backpack ).

If you have room and space available then here's few ideas depending on your situation;

Deep Woods Off 1 ounce pump sprayer works for me and hasn't leaked
Micro LED Light ( Photon type )
Flex Cuffs
Flex Cuff Cutter
Primary weapon spare parts ( M16 firing pin, gas rings, hammer pin, FP retaining pin,    extractor, extractor spring, safety detent and spring)
Spare bulbs for weapons light and hand held light
OC Spray
Granola bars ( or energy bar )
Caffeine tabs or caffeinated drink mix pouches ( Sparks works for me )
Batteries for all weapons lights and optics
Small roll ( 5 yards ) OD or black Duct Tape, or roll electrical tape
Blow out med kit
Lens Pen ( Weapons optic cleaning pen )

Link Posted: 4/21/2007 5:28:08 PM EDT
Water and rations
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 11:31:13 PM EDT

Med supplies (blow out kit)!


Google Tactical Response Gear and look at their 'VOK' (Ventilated Operators Kit).

It has the basic stuff required for gunshot trauma.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 9:43:18 AM EDT
2 smoke grenades
Side arm
Two 1-qt canteen
2 field dressings
Large utility pouch with batteries, gerber tool, iodine tablets, power bars, etc
carabiner (to clip things on, not for rope work)
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 11:27:52 AM EDT


Med supplies (blow out kit)!


Google Tactical Response Gear and look at their 'VOK' (Ventilated Operators Kit).

It has the basic stuff required for gunshot trauma.

This is what I was going to recommend.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 1:01:44 PM EDT
I carry plenty of Rockstar and I lace several SlimJims through the molle webbing.  Snacktical.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 7:10:44 PM EDT

I carry plenty of Rockstar and I lace several SlimJims through the molle webbing. Snacktical.

Ok.. the slim jim thing was kinda funny and made me chuckle ...

The answer lies in what your doing.. everyone will have a different load based on what they are doing or what there mission profile is.

Most civilians (I include myself in that category) would be fine on
First aid
Good Knife
Good light
spare batteries

the key is to not overload..it's OK to have space left over, or some MOLLE webbing left bare without a pouch attached to it...
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 8:26:57 PM EDT


Med supplies (blow out kit)!


Google Tactical Response Gear and look at their 'VOK' (Ventilated Operators Kit).

It has the basic stuff required for gunshot trauma.

A good thing to have and know how to use whenever there is any kind of shooting being done!
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 1:30:31 PM EDT
map and compass laminated w/markers  
electrical tape first
mini caribener
feild knife
small scissor multi tool (the screwdrivers work better i think on the small stuff)
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