Quoted: PvtPyle. Have you ever shot the KAC suppressor on the SASS rifle? They won the contract so it must work very well. I haven't had a chance to talk to anyone whos had experience with them( I don't get out much). Would love to see a picture and hear some first hand accounts.
Ron |
They suck. The SR-25's we took to Afghanistan were crap. Out of the 12 we took over, 5 went down in less than 60 days. Craks in the BCG, broken extractors, stuff like that. I was lucky enough to have a Mod 1 version issued to me, it was OK. But even with M118 we could not get it to go sub MOA with or without the can.
On the cans, not bad. But they still are not as quiet as the Ops Inc on the M24A2.
We are getting ready to be fielded our MK-11's and everyone has ask if we could skip them and just get more EBR's with cans. Of course they said no. We now have a real bad taste in our mouths for the SR-25's.
Just remember that just because they got the contract does not mean they are the best weapon out there. Glock owns the LEO market, but I would arguee that they are not the best pistol for LEO's across the board. But when you sell your product direct for $285 to LEO's, you tend to get the market because of price. Glocks are not bad guns, but I would asy there are guns of equal quality out there for the same retail price. But nobody else gives them away to cops like Glock does. Just an example.