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Posted: 1/31/2011 5:51:13 AM EDT
Ok... I guess I'm blind. I thought there was a post here that had a pic of an AR with taped sections of the barrel that had the OAL listed with the length of the barrel. I tried a search but I guess I'm not that gifted finding stuff. I don't have the upper for the lower... I just want to make sure my numbers are right for the 10.5 upper. Any help would be appreciated!!
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 6:18:31 AM EDT
10.5/29.5 with a standard collapsible stock
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 6:47:01 AM EDT
10.5/29.5 with a standard collapsible stock

Thank you Sir!
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 2:01:14 PM EDT
Ok... I guess I'm blind. I thought there was a post here that had a pic of an AR with taped sections of the barrel that had the OAL listed with the length of the barrel. I tried a search but I guess I'm not that gifted finding stuff. I don't have the upper for the lower... I just want to make sure my numbers are right for the 10.5 upper. Any help would be appreciated!!

Here you go,,, these close numbers is with an A2 stock and a 20" barrel so I could mark off most length with common A2 cage on barrel..

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 3:49:10 PM EDT
Ok... I guess I'm blind. I thought there was a post here that had a pic of an AR with taped sections of the barrel that had the OAL listed with the length of the barrel. I tried a search but I guess I'm not that gifted finding stuff. I don't have the upper for the lower... I just want to make sure my numbers are right for the 10.5 upper. Any help would be appreciated!!

Here you go,,, these close numbers is with an A2 stock and a 20" barrel so I could mark off most length with common A2 cage on barrel..


Thank you very much! Exactly what I was looking for!!
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 6:29:23 PM EDT
Ok... I guess I'm blind. I thought there was a post here that had a pic of an AR with taped sections of the barrel that had the OAL listed with the length of the barrel. I tried a search but I guess I'm not that gifted finding stuff. I don't have the upper for the lower... I just want to make sure my numbers are right for the 10.5 upper. Any help would be appreciated!!

Here you go,,, these close numbers is with an A2 stock and a 20" barrel so I could mark off most length with common A2 cage on barrel..


Thank you very much! Exactly what I was looking for!!

Maybe 1/4" off in the end.... seems to me COLT listed the 20" A2 at 39.5" ??    Close enough for .GOV work anyway..

I had to take this pic for those that post up "I do not have my short barrel to measure with",,, so I show how to measure with existing barrel to come up with a number to use.  

Link Posted: 1/31/2011 8:17:13 PM EDT
Keep in mind that the flash suppressor does not count unless it is permanently attached.

The overall length is measured with the stock fully extended if the stock is folding or collapsing.

If ATF found a need to measure you barrel length, they would close the bold and drop a wooden dowel rod down the barrel and against the bolt. They would then mark the dowel rod at the end of the barrel not the flash suppressor and measure the dowel rod.  If you are anal like me, you will do this.

Just Sayin!
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