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Posted: 8/25/2006 4:55:07 PM EDT
OK. I have the ability to buy either of these rifles for significantly less money than a Springfield M1A. What are the pros and cons of each? I have read a lot about the Polytech, but have never had the opportunity to read anything about the Norinco. I am looking for a reasonably accurate rifle to scope and shoot decent groups at 400yds max with good ammo. I also expect reliability in this mix. If these rifles have shortcomings, are they easily fixed? Thanks.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 6:47:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 7:07:39 PM EDT

Buy the rifle for $750 or less, drop in a 7.62 Nato no-gauge (not 308) into the chamber and try to close the bolt.  If the chamber doesn't eat the gauge (read bolt won't lock closed), your dam near golden.

The only thing that I would sugest is pick up a USGI spring set (less than $30) and re-spring the whole rifle.  The stock imported springs may be fine, but they are questionable in regards to longivity, and the recoil spring may be on the way out if the rifle has been fired something like over 4k rounds.

P.S. baring some comsmetises ( different production dates), the poly's and norinco's are one and the same.

P.S. if you can find either brand of these rifles for under $700 as a common. IM me and hook me up on a deal!!!!

+1, either of those are a great choice even if you have to put a bolt in right away.  
Link Posted: 8/26/2006 5:32:11 PM EDT
Cost to rebolt properly is ~300

you will likely also want to swap out sights 100
And flash supressor 50
and stock ~50
And perhaps trigger group 150
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