The correct fix for a sight that is loose in it's dovetail:
Take a very sharp prick punch or very small chisel (I use an automatic center punch-doesnt jar the sight too badly) and put half a dozen punch pricks on the bottom of the sight, You dont have to blast the punch with a 2 pound, just raise some dimples on the bottom flat. Some guys like to punch the slide, I prefer to punch the sight-cheaper if you pull an "Oops" but there are some slides you can leave skid marks on from the dimples. On those particular pistols dimple the slide but only where the sight sits. Also with your sight being night sights you dont want to damage the Tritium vials.
Install as usual and snug the set screw-sight the pistol in and when you are SURE the sight is where it needs to be place 1 drop of red LocTite in the screw hole-give it a second to "creep" under the sight and snug the screw down tight. Let it sit for at least 12 to 24 hours before you shoot it again.
the tip
Thanks for the tip!
But, now that I'm thinking about it, when the shop ordered me a new sight, it came with both front and rear sights. I believe the shop gave me the box with the second rear sight. I'm gonna try and dig it up and see how it fits.
I'm also going to try the prick trick
on the loose sight and see how that goes.