Briley makes excellent chokes. For HD, all you need is an Improved or Modified chokie. No need for multiples. But if you had to have multiple for some reason the three most popular are Modified, Improved, and Full.
With a shotgun, chokes come into play a little less with Buckshot and Slugs. It has more to do with the ammunition you use for your gun. If you want the best ammo available, try the Federal 00 Buckshot with Flite Control wads in it. They are so accurate and shoot incredible patterns. For slugs, get the Federal Tru-Ball slugs. They are fantastic and very accurate. Both of these can be bought from in the shotgun ammo section for a good price.
You may want to try the ammo first and see how it does in your gun without chokes. You may be happy with it as is and not need to spend the money on having chokes installed.