The new 1873 Winchesters are Japanese made by Miroku, and sold via the Winchester name, which FN Herstal/Browning licenses from Olin/Winchester (the ammo company). The USRA/WRAC New Haven plant was closed in 2006. The one or two new model 1873s that I've handled were well fitted and smooth enough and felt basically like their Uberti competitors. They don't have the crappy visible safeties and rebounding hammer style that 1894s were cursed with in the 90s and 2000s at least (my 1894 soured me on USRA Winchesters and leverguns in general for many years). Prices online are usually slightly higher than comparable Uberti 1873s from the major Uberti importers, though you probably can get a nicer case finished Uberti for the price of whatever blued WRA 1873 you can find. It's likely going to be far more difficult finding a particular finish/caliber/combination in the Winchester than for a Uberti imported through Cimarron or Taylors. I suspect availability will really control your decision.