Well, since I am in the process of getting my MP5SD SBR back from Jayson at IGF in the next week :) I can give you some input. Seems to me that there are two things to consider.
First is the host gun. If you go with a HK94 you are looking at $2-3K right now, given the CA DOJ guns that are out on the market right now. If you start with a SW5 receiver or complete gun, you are looking at $500 to $1.5K.
Second is the build and parts.
(1) If you purchase a MP5SD gun that is cut up for parts, they seem to be going for $1.5K to $3K. Then you have the build which would probably be in the $750 to $1K range. The total would be in the $4.25K to $7K range for the complete gun German gun or $2.75K to $5.5K range for a SW/German gun.
(2) If you get a C2/C3 gunsmith like Jayson to build the suppressor and do the work, it seems to cost $1.5K to $2K for the work plus suppressor. The total would be in the $3.5K to $5K range for a gun built on a German receiver and $3K to $3.5K for a SW based gun.
Obviously, you could end up spending more, for example, if your HK94 host had already been "invested" in like having the barrel replaced with a three lug, or you upgraded the trigger pack, etc.
Also keep in mind that you now have a two tax stamp gun because it is a SBR and has a suppressor. And unless your gunsmith makes a fake can for your rifle, the suppressor needs to always be on the gun, so it is difficult/impossible to separate the two and make it a one tax gun.
Any way you look at it, you are going to pay a great deal for a gun that is not very practical, but certainly very cool.
I wish I could post pics of my SD, but it will be another week or so before I can do that :)
Edited to add that given my comments above, $5800 might be a little high for a used SD conversion on a HK94 host. I think the reason why the full SD machine guns are a little soft in the market is because many of them are sear guns, which means it is a THREE tax gun. If you are purchasing out of state that means $1,200 in taxes just to get it to you. That takes some serious commitment. Add to it that you are possibly talking about NINE transactions with the ATF... and I think those two points explain why the price on these particular machine guns are soft.