Use a drill press to trim down all of the neck and shoulder. Debur.
Lube and run through 300 blk die, trim to length.
I used a small pair of Vice grips with 3 layers of blue tape on the jaws to hold brass.
Chucked up the cutter head from my RCBBS trimmer. Put tape on the threads to protect them from the drill press chuck.
I was using once fired RP 223 cases. Cases are not trimmed square, a 22 pilot does not center well once you get past the neck.
That's ok because you trimmed long and after forming in sizing die, trim to length.
Others are using a cut off saw from Harbor Freight. I already had a drill press.
If you try to run a 223 case in a 300 blk die, you lose some cases. Much better to trim first.
Cases in bottom right were split and I cut them off with a hacksaw, then the totally crumpled case on the bottom.[://
Good luck.
And yes I was using Imperial and lubing the inside of the necks.
About 1 in every 5 cases were splitting.
Didn't lose any cases when I pre trimmed.