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Posted: 1/26/2009 1:14:06 PM EDT
I need a couple more fingerprint cards for NFA applications.  When I look on the NFA site to order these forms there is a limit of two.

This is for form # FBI FD-258 FA, is this the correct half-page size, blue printed form?  Other forms appear to have no limit and I was planning to get a couple spares for an aditional suppressor later this year. If I got the form before the can I could eliminate the month wait for CLEO sign-off by having this done ahead of time.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 2:04:55 PM EDT
You want the FBI FD-258LE cards
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 4:01:07 PM EDT
Call The Form Center.  Last time I called I ask for "a few".

They sent me 50.  I took the stack to the Sherrif's.  They just scan you and then run the prints when you need them.  I stopped buy with the stack and asked hm to print 10.  He asked me about the stack.  I said I will use them all eventually, but probably only need 10 in the next coupl of months.  He just stuck the entire stack in the print and said print until they where all done.

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 7:13:51 AM EDT
Call The Form Center.  Last time I called I ask for "a few".

They sent me 50.  I took the stack to the Sherrif's.  They just scan you and then run the prints when you need them.  I stopped buy with the stack and asked hm to print 10.  He asked me about the stack.  I said I will use them all eventually, but probably only need 10 in the next coupl of months.  He just stuck the entire stack in the print and said print until they where all done.

are printed (ie not original) fingerprints acceptable?
my SO manually prints me every time.  I dont really care, was just under the impression they had to be "real" prints, not copies on each.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 8:08:43 AM EDT
I always have used them.  Once our SO has you in the system, I just walk in and hand them the blanks and my DL and they stick them in the printer, look it up and hit go.....

It really is quite the ticket.

Same thing for your CHL, you just walk in, stick you finger in the scanner and it is done....

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 9:35:05 AM EDT
I always have used them.  Once our SO has you in the system, I just walk in and hand them the blanks and my DL and they stick them in the printer, look it up and hit go.....

It really is quite the ticket.

Same thing for your CHL, you just walk in, stick you finger in the scanner and it is done....


I had to have my fingerprints scanned for some other licensing a while back (think it was for my insurance agent license?) and thought "great" but SO seems to think otherwise.
which is fine with me, an old buddy of mine is the printer, so we print then bullshit for half an hour.
I dont send enough forms in at once to really matter, but would want to make sure for the good of others.  apparently you've had forms approved with "printed" prints, so that's good news.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 10:21:05 AM EDT
Yeah I like it, since they kept (and yes it was at more choice if I wanted it filed or not the first time I did it) all of the information hair, eyes, employer, etc.....

So I hand them blanks, they print them and all I have to do is sign and date it.

Altough after last time (Last Feb), I don't think I will be heading back for quite awhile.  I don't forsee myself mailing 25 more applications anytime soon since my wife is out of work, we just had a baby and I have been in the process of selling things to pay the bills...

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