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Posted: 10/28/2006 7:47:13 PM EDT
Went to the Roanoke gun show today. I have been looking at the M44 Mosin Nagants for a while. I already own a Tula 91/30, but thought having a carbine with a fixed bayonet would be cool.

Finally gave in to the urge today, and picked up one for $94.99. It was listed as a "New Gun". After closer examination after getting it home, it does look as if it was never issued. Everything on it is without scratch or blemish.

Went on mosinnagant.net to look up the markings, and found out that it is an East German issue rifle, and has the Triangle "1" proof mark on it and has the dark red stock.
The website states that these are uncommon. Does anyone else know exactly how uncommon they are?
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 7:58:47 PM EDT
some mosin variants tend to get snatched up by collectors and never see the light of day again. the east german M44 seems to be one of these. at first i thought you paid too much, but the fact that it's e. german makes it well worth the price.

i don't believe they are particularly rare, but since only a collector would pay double the price for a functionally identical rifle, they end up in the hands of people who are particlarly interested in them and have no intention of selling.

the mosin-nagant is widely thought of as a junk gun and most buyers refuse to pay more than $75 for one. however, there is a community of dedicated collectors (myself included) who would think you made a good find.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 1:52:40 PM EDT
You did well.  The EG-marked Mosins are highly sought after by collectors.  Now you need to get an EG-made Makarov.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 2:41:56 PM EDT

You did well.  The EG-marked Mosins are highly sought after by collectors.  Now you need to get an EG-made Makarov.

+1 and a PPSh-41.
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