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Posted: 12/30/2002 12:21:47 PM EDT
Well finally got my new Krink from Ohio Rapid Fire, problem lining up an FFL on my end.

5.45x39 Bulgarian parts kit, OOW receiver, Arsenal FCG and pistol grip, permanently affixed can and pinned skeleton stock.

Link Posted: 12/30/2002 12:34:55 PM EDT
what a cutie. i'll bet she puts out too.
Link Posted: 12/30/2002 1:32:30 PM EDT
I've no idea what it is (other then your description of course), but, it looks great.. :)

What is covering the barrel?

Good Luck with it...
Link Posted: 12/30/2002 2:01:50 PM EDT
Thats a fake can.  Krinkov barrels are like 9 inches long, so a permanently attached can is required unless you are able to register is as a short barreled rifle... not an option for me.

Krinkovs are very compact versions of the AK series of weapons... of course with the fake can you lose most of that, but it looks bad ass.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:11:07 AM EDT
Nice looking rifle Hiram. What happened to B&J?
OK, I read about it in the B&J forum. Hope all works out...
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