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Page Armory » M-16
Posted: 8/17/2006 1:28:35 PM EDT
Here's my LM7 set-up.

Testing starts this weekend.

- Colt M16-A1 lower
- Lakeside LM7 22LR belt-fed upper
- Gemtech Hornet F/A rated 22LR suppressor
- C-More red-dot sight
- Daniel-Defense free-float handguard
- Harris bipod

Color match between upper and lower is perfect.


Link Posted: 8/17/2006 1:31:07 PM EDT
I love it, that makes for a great looking setup. Keep us up to date on the range test
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 4:31:31 PM EDT
Hey drfcolt... When I got mine, I changed out the hammer spring for the "4 o'clock" spring and the disconnector spring before I took it out.  It ran quite well with only a hiccup or two per 100/200 round belt.  Once it breaks in, I figure it will run close to 100%.  I was running on a Colt RR with bulk pack Federal and Remington.  Oh, and don't forget to time the trip.  This upper is A LOT of fun.

Link Posted: 8/21/2006 2:24:08 AM EDT
Took it out for the first time on Sunday.

BEFORE I took it out I did the following important steps:
- time the upper for the host lower by filing the sear-trip in the upper until the bolt gap is .020 or less (mine is now between .008 and .012) - automotive feeler guages are nice for this - this only needs to be done once
- break in the cloth belts - I did this by opening them with a phillips-head screw-driver about the diameter of a 22LR cartridge - loaded them up and then twisted each loaded pocked 180-degrees and then crumpelled the entire belt like paper - it is VERY important to break in the belts - it only needs to be done once

Ran perfectly in semi-auto with the recommended CCI/Blazers and Win/Dynapoints.

Would not run at all in full-auto - two/three round burst and then light-primer strike.

Ran semi for about 400-rounds until the gun was very/very dirty and the called it a day.

Went to the Lakeside discussion web page and did some research.

Seems that the factory hammer-spring is too strong for F/A fire and throws the timing off - also is hard in the firing pin.

Also found that there is a new ABB (anti-bounce buffer) out for it that cures many F/A problems.

People running factory hammer-springs and normal buffers were having the exact problems I was having in F/A.

Getting ahold of Lakeside today to get an ABB and a 4-o'clock hammer-spring.

All in all, I had a great first outing - ran 2 belts first in S/A before even trying F/A, so I was feeling pretty good when the F/A failure started - felt like I had reached a mile-stone.

Can't wait to get the new parts and resume.

This upper is a ton of fun even in S/A and is cheap to shoot - can't wait to get it going in F/A.

You MUST do the break in stuff that I mentioned at the top or you are in for a long day even in S/A.

If the belts are not broken in properly, you will have a hell of a time even in S/A.

ABB: www.lakesideguns.com/webstuff/abb.jpg

4-o'clock hammer-spring: www.lakesideguns.com/webstuff/4oclock.jpg
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 2:47:44 AM EDT
I have been looking forward to reviews of the Lakeside upper since reading their ad months ago.

Sounds like a lot of fun and will especially be so once the minor mods are done.

Is the Gemtech can as efficient as many say?

great info.

Link Posted: 8/21/2006 3:58:53 AM EDT
I've got a Gemtech Hornet as well and really like it.  Below is a pic of it mounted on my LM7.
It is a shame they no longer make them.  All stainless.  Heavy but who cares for the applications most are using them for.
Only 3 baffles laser welded to one stack.  The stack all comes out as one unit from the tube.  Then you can use harsher chemicals to clean just the stack.

Link Posted: 8/27/2006 7:22:22 AM EDT
Thread jack deleted

I apologize, I didn't mean to jack your thread.  Thanks for the report, and Good luck!
Page Armory » M-16
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