I like Gunkote for KGcoatings and Norrells Molyresin. Both seem to be exactly the same stuff from what I've read. I've gunkoted a couple of firearms and they seem to be holding up pretty well. You do have to degrease the gun, spray the coating on, bake the firearm and it would help if you sandblasted it before coating. After baking for an hour at 300 F the part should be good to go. Also it is use on metal parts only. KGcoatings does have an air dry coating but I don't have any experience with that yet.
Duracoat is also highly recommended and seems to be fairly durable. You have to degrease your firearm, mix the paint and hardener together and spray the part. From what i hear it takes up to a month to fully cure but usually only a week.
There is something called Cerakote and other ceramic coatings out there and they are durable but there is some concern about heat retention.
All the coatings will wear eventually but in order of durability I think it is 1. Cerakote, 2. Molyresin or Gunkote, 3. Duracoat. All three should hold up to any solvent you use. I prefer Gunkote since it is durable, has a touch of teflon in it for lubrication and from what I've read actually reduces heat buildup.
I hope that helps some.