Go with two double mag pouches on left side of P.I.G. Go with 2 single pistol mag pouches on upper left chest. ( if your a right handed shooter). Keep the carrier simple and light. Screw having mags all across your body. My opinion is, it's good to have all mags in a general location for muscle memory and when pulling FULL mags under stress instead of having them across your body or under your weapon sling or guessing which pouch still has a mag in it.
I would upload a pic of my current set up but I'm new to the forum :/. Anyone have info to help me out with this?
But I'm currently using the pig in the afgh.
The idea is that most mags are simply reserves, while 1 or 2 mag pouches are speed reload pouches. When a speed reload mag is used, and the shooter has an opportunity, he can take one of his reserves and bump it up to the speed reload pouch.
I'm understand the concept, however in pressure situations most people have a problem carrying out normal functions and adding the whole thinking about whether or not you adjusted all mags properly or not after your last reload makes things a little more cluster f'd.
I see army cats rolling around alot with mags spread all around their mid section, and hey if it works for them it works for them. I however feel it takes more time and thinking away from the task of defending yourself and sending more lead down range in a more focused manor.
If I have mags in the same spot every time, my mind spends less time on that and more on the target. Plus having mags organized on your left side (if you are a r handed shooter) allows the weapon to hang more comfortabley in a 3pt sling. If I do a transition to a r leg or belt holster, when I throw drop my rifle the mags on the left side (being a double pouch stick out more) it allows the mags to somewhat hold my rifle under my left arm and I can continue to press forward firing my secondary with both hands instead of tripping over my rifle or it banging on my legs