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Posted: 8/13/2007 1:52:55 PM EDT
I just ordered a M91/30 and a M38. Specified date from 1942-44. I will see what I get later this week. Bought a 100 rds. of Wolf to start with. I did not feel like using the corrosive surplus stuff just yet.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 2:26:21 PM EDT
Well from who and how much each and what was shipping??
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 4:09:54 PM EDT
Ordered from Inter Ordnance

M-38 (very good to excellent) - $74.95 + $10 for handselect year of manufacture 1942-44

M91/30 (very good to excellent rearsenaled) $64.95 + $10 for handselect year of manufacture 1936-44

I did not inquire about the shipping costs. It really does not make much difference to me.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 5:10:30 PM EDT
A 91/30 is next on my list.  I have a M38 and it is a hell of a lot of fun to shoot.
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