No need to get any sights shooting like that can not be fixed with a sight, like every one said slug the barrel try shooting of a sand bag at 25 yards. I have to ask are you sure you are not anticipating the recoil, also are you use to shooting 2 stage triggers. (no insult meant). If your not sure let somebody else try or get somebody to load or not load rounds for you so when you pull the trigger you will not know if a live round is in it or not. I guess that stock is good and tight to the action and head space is correct. What do the fires cases look like, do the shoulders look ok?
No offense taken. I'm asking for help, and I know that I should probably face as much scrutiny as the condition my rifle and what ammo I shoot through it.
Handloaded ammo is 175gr. Prvi PSPBT, in new Prvi brass. Loaded with H335 at different levels, from 42.3gr on the low end to 45.5gr at the top. Primers are Remington 9 1/2, COAL is 3.000" +/- 0.025".
I'm used to single stage triggers as well as two-stage triggers. I have also had a friend who has more firearms experience than me (by a few years and a few rifles) fire this M24/47, and his results have been the same as mine. He's probably put 40 to 50 rds. through it, in addition to the rounds I've fired.
The fired cases look very similar to the brand new ones, the only difference being OAL is shorter after firing. Brand new cases measure between 2.235" and 2.240", and after firing and prep/neck sizing, OAL is almost exactly 2.230". Lucky me - the cases fire and neck themselves right to the "trim to: " number. So I've got that going for me...
ETA: w/respect to anticipating recoil, I can say that I do not do this. When I first began shooting, I had a list of "things not to do" and recoil anticipation was on that list. I've asked friends and fellow shooters to watch my form occasionally, and have been told that I dont flinch or do anything that might affect POI.