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Posted: 10/23/2016 4:24:16 PM EDT
Pulling my trusty 10/22T out of mothballs for the first time in several years...shooting a little CLP into the action...then grabbing an assortment of crap ammo and going off to the range only to have zero malfunctions, zero FTFs, zero jams, zero misfires, zero stovepipes....and once the scope was dialed in, 1" groups at 50 yards all afternoon

I recalled that this particular rifle was finicky...always seemed to be weird with certain ammo.
Today I had bulk Remington, Winchester, and some CCI....but a wise man here (regarding a total separate matter with a handgun) once asked me, "what happens when you run it wet?". I had never run my 10/22 wet because I always thought that all that powder / fouling / gunk would be even worse with extra oily surfaces.

Well....bzzzzzttttt...wrong answer. Turns out my 10/22 likes to be wet. Ate whatever I through at it...like a champ.

Here is my little old tack driver...

Lots of modifications over the years....more than I can even remember.
I think the only thing that remains original and stock is the magazine....every other piece has either been replaced and worked on.

Dialed in with decent ammo it'll shoot ragged holes on demand.

Here is a five shot group at 25 yards using CCI Green Tag...

Love this rifle
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 8:18:42 PM EDT
I know that it's great when your friends invite you to the range....   Guess I missed that call...  
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 10:17:12 PM EDT
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I know that it's great when your friends invite you to the range....   Guess I missed that call...  
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It was during the Eagles game....didn't want to present a moral dilemma for you
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 3:08:29 PM EDT
No dilemma, that game was great fun.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 10:24:25 PM EDT
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No dilemma, that game was great fun.
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I love watching a good matchup.....and seeing the birds beat up on Bradford was a good thing I'm sure, but to be out in the woods on a sunny, crisp, fall afternoon with a tack driver...and few thousand rounds of ammo, and nowhere to be......no contest for me
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