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Posted: 8/12/2006 8:54:16 PM EDT
How much should I expect to pay for an Interceptor Vest that has been used but not abused in the sandbox?  I have a chance to buy one, but have no reference for cost.  It comes with a canteen pouch, 2 (M4 pouches), and a GP pouch and armor for front and back.

Link Posted: 8/12/2006 9:03:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/12/2006 10:20:58 PM EDT

many people think they are all stolen.

How many of them that are coming back from the sandbox are legit?
Link Posted: 8/13/2006 12:07:53 AM EDT

How much should I expect to pay for an Interceptor Vest that has been used but not abused in the sandbox?  I have a chance to buy one, but have no reference for cost.  It comes with a canteen pouch, 2 (M4 pouches), and a GP pouch and armor for front and back.

98% chance that is a vest stolen from the military.  The Feds WILL come looking for it, as many unwitting AR15.com members have found out in the past.

Current price on a new Interceptor (legit) is $1100 or so according to www.bulletproofme.com.

Link Posted: 8/13/2006 6:23:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/13/2006 7:56:58 AM EDT
There a a very few Interceptor vests that are owned privately (by Contractors or Mlitary personnel who spent their own funds to purchase one) and they do exist, but virtually any vest taht is coming back from 'the sandbox' is probably one taht was issued to someone in the military and they did not turn it in.  That makes it stoeln government property, and as I mentioned before, the government has been very thorough about tracking down stolen armor.  

I can think of at least two instances where AR15.com members reported they had bought a vest on Ebay and a few months later federal invetigators showed up to confiscate it (with no compensation) and the person was grilled for all the information they had on it.

IIRC from what my friend in the army said, his vest's serial number astarted with an "AR" and I have heard that USMC vests have a serial number starting with an "MC" so as they say Caveat Emptor.

Link Posted: 8/13/2006 5:29:37 PM EDT
exactly renegade....there are MANY people that own there own OTVs.....many military go out and buy there own...they are free to do with it what they want...as long as it is legal for you to own and sell body armor in your area its fine.....now if somebody tells you it came back from the sandbox and was issued to them from uncle sam.....run
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 3:00:10 AM EDT
My question is why do you want one. Im in the army and I hate the damn thing. too freakin bulky.  Im 5'10 150lbs and the thing sticks out on the sides and is just a total pain in the ass.  I wish that the Army would switch to a paraclete vest or the eagle ciras.  Which are a more profile body armor.  But then again its the whole price issue....
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 12:36:25 PM EDT
I picked one up in excellent condition with the plates last summer for $400.  Avg. ebay price I see is in the $600's though.  Make sure you keep track of who you get it from, it's very easy to send stolen armor home.
Link Posted: 8/19/2006 12:06:38 PM EDT

it's very easy to send stolen armor home.

not really. it's possible but not easy. every piece of mail bigger than a letter that you send home is searched as well as all your gear and personal stuff when you redeploy. the vest is considered a sensitive item and the army is VERY anal about accounting for them. it would be conceivable for someone to steal a vest from another troop and squirrel it away until they redeploy but even then your leadership and your buddies are standing right next to you when you pack your connex and when the MPs do their customs dance.

it has been said that point blank is not selling any more for private use because their production capacity is heavily taxed just trying to fill dod contracts but i know of no way to verify this.

the interceptor vest is a decent piece of gear but it isn't the best or cheapest or even (imho) the best value for the cost. and that's without considering the likely shady past.
Link Posted: 8/19/2006 12:48:35 PM EDT


it's very easy to send stolen armor home.

not really. it's possible but not easy. every piece of mail bigger than a letter that you send home is searched as well as all your gear and personal stuff when you redeploy. the vest is considered a sensitive item and the army is VERY anal about accounting for them. it would be conceivable for someone to steal a vest from another troop and squirrel it away until they redeploy but even then your leadership and your buddies are standing right next to you when you pack your connex and when the MPs do their customs dance.

it has been said that point blank is not selling any more for private use because their production capacity is heavily taxed just trying to fill dod contracts but i know of no way to verify this.

the interceptor vest is a decent piece of gear but it isn't the best or cheapest or even (imho) the best value for the cost. and that's without considering the likely shady past.

Pffft. Trust me. a Marine ALWAYS knows how to get around chit.
Link Posted: 8/19/2006 7:40:23 PM EDT
I've been thinking of one of these lately, all I need is the carrier, already have panels and plates and pouches.

Any affordable carrier only?

Link Posted: 8/20/2006 10:29:57 AM EDT
I can go to the PO tommorrow and mail my IBA home.  Hell, one of the guys I know just sent 9 sets home, and had customs inspect them to boot.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 10:30:35 AM EDT
Is the interceptor the same thing as the OTV?
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 10:44:32 AM EDT

I can go to the PO tommorrow and mail my IBA home.

How much?
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 10:50:22 AM EDT
Armor of any type is one of the items by CentCom order cannot be mailed home.  Even non-issue armor has to be carried home in your seabag.

The postal inspectors are suppose to stop, weapons parts, armor, NBC gear and any AA&E.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 10:51:31 AM EDT

I can go to the PO tommorrow and mail my IBA home.  Hell, one of the guys I know just sent 9 sets home, and had customs inspect them to boot.

So you are saying you know of someone who sent home stolen government property on a scale enough that they would rate 10 years in jail?
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 2:55:21 PM EDT

Armor of any type is one of the items by CentCom order cannot be mailed home.  Even non-issue armor has to be carried home in your seabag.

The postal inspectors are suppose to stop, weapons parts, armor, NBC gear and any AA&E.

Of course in a fair, and just USA you would be able to box up a couple of "keeper" AK47s or whatever cool weapon you captured from the enemy and send it home as a keep sake.  Live and ready to fire.

Nope, not here.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 6:51:29 PM EDT


I can go to the PO tommorrow and mail my IBA home.  Hell, one of the guys I know just sent 9 sets home, and had customs inspect them to boot.

So you are saying you know of someone who sent home stolen government property on a scale enough that they would rate 10 years in jail?

further, that you knew of such offense and failed to report it and then went and incriminated yourself in a public forum. hmmm. or maybe what you failed to mention was that he was re-deploying and the iba went home in a connex bound for his home station. there are always ways to break the law. doesn't mean it's easy or right.

oh, and it sure would have been nice to have daily access to amenities like the post office.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 7:17:32 PM EDT



many people think they are all stolen.

How many of them that are coming back from the sandbox are legit?

All of them? It is whether they own them or not when they get back here and sell them that matters.

My Vet's husband (Army reserve)  had to his own Interceptor Vest. Since he owns it, he is free to do with it as he pleases, that is why I said make sure you know who you are buying from and have the paper trail.

Not true. My cousin had a visit by the FBI, when he tried to sell his old vest on ebay. They told him, even though he owns it, he can't sell it. He's been out of the Corp for a while too.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 8:15:14 PM EDT
listen heres the scoop......Interceptor is the same thing as OTV.......yes you can buy your own OTV and nobody not even the FBI can tell you dick about what you can do with it...if its legal to own and sell body armor in your area you can buy an OTV...very easy to purchase one from Pointblank.......as long as you are not a convicted felon you can own it IF it is legal in your area.........NOW.....if you are deployed and uncle sam GAVE you your Interceptor and you TRY to bring it back to keep and SELL on your own....GUESS WHAT  BUSTED.......NOTHING ISSUED BY THE MILITARY....does EVERYONE hear this >>>>>NOTHING ISSUED BY THE MILITARY (saying it for the slow people here) can be SOLD to ANYONE....if you are caught SELLING MILITARY ISSUE GEAR.....its on your hands............IF YOU BOUGHT an OTV with your own hard earn cash you can DO WITH IT as you PLEASE..........case closed, learn it   love it   deal with it
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 8:44:07 PM EDT

Oh and heres a hint...If somebody is selling one for $300 then they didnt pay for it.
Would you sell something you bought for $1k for $300?  Dont think so.
Thats what they call a "clue" to the origins of the item.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 6:41:37 AM EDT
sure they would people do crazy things...buy things for 1k sell it for 300   its not unusual   when you need cash and you need to dump something fast you try to get what you can.....and especially with the cheap asses on this site lol  you have to practically give stuff away
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 6:51:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 8:21:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 9:55:12 AM EDT
DRMO is your frieind  And you can get the IBA into a flat rate box

Curiously, PO said I can mail my armor, but not my EOTech.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 5:56:39 AM EDT

DRMO is your frieind  And you can get the IBA into a flat rate box

Curiously, PO said I can mail my armor, but not my EOTech.

You realize that CID, OSI and NCIS have agents assigned to look through web sites like this one for guys selling stolen gear?  
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 10:17:39 AM EDT
Probably, but what they decide qualifies as stolen, and what you qualify as stolen, are probably two different things, especially since you're the one talking about stolen items.  If you haven't figured how this occurs though the entire Armed Forces chain of command, give it a little more thought, and you'll see.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 10:36:23 AM EDT
News flash for you there stud, body armor can only be DRMOed to another gov agency.  By law it cannot be kept, resold or given away as personal property.

I am pretty sure I am in a much better place to talk about this issue than you are.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 11:08:42 AM EDT
Unless you like visits from FBI, DoD, NCIS, or CID I would stay away from any military issue OTV's and if military law has no jurisdiction over you, I'm sure FBI is only a phonecall away.  I know firsthand of a person who was sentenced to prison and given a bad conduct discharge over selling OTV's that he evidently was buying from guys hard up for cash and then making money on them selling them online.  This was only just a couple vests as well.  Regardeless if a person is issued an extra and doesn't have to return the old one, they are still US govt. property and selling the OTV will get them in some serious trouble depending on how bad the military is willing to go to recover the items. All OTV and SAPI plates are to be destroyed and not surplussed outside of government agencies period, go to the Dept of Defense websight and it may still have the notice on SAPI plates and OTV's. My advice and take it seriously, stay far far away from anybody selling you military issued Interceptor vests and/or SAPI plates.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 7:56:44 AM EDT
As a side tangent, I have a government issued aimpoint, a personally purchased ACOG , and now a government issued ACOG.  Is some Customs MP going to make things difficult for me  to get my ACOG home?  I would hate to have to smuggle an item home that I paid $700 for.  
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 8:35:57 AM EDT

listen heres the scoop......Interceptor is the same thing as OTV.......yes you can buy your own OTV and nobody not even the FBI can tell you dick about what you can do with it...if its legal to own and sell body armor in your area you can buy an OTV...very easy to purchase one from Pointblank.......as long as you are not a convicted felon you can own it IF it is legal in your area.........NOW.....if you are deployed and uncle sam GAVE you your Interceptor and you TRY to bring it back to keep and SELL on your own....GUESS WHAT  BUSTED.......NOTHING ISSUED BY THE MILITARY....does EVERYONE hear this >>>>>NOTHING ISSUED BY THE MILITARY (saying it for the slow people here) can be SOLD to ANYONE gonna call BS on this one, there are items issued by the military that every soldier can keep, I forgot the word for it, but one of the items are your Wiley X sunglass',  Numerous military members have posted that these items are considered throw away after a soldiers use so the soldier can keep them.....if you are caught SELLING MILITARY ISSUE GEAR.....its on your hands............IF YOU BOUGHT an OTV with your own hard earn cash you can DO WITH IT as you PLEASE..........case closed, learn it   love it   deal with it

I am not saying armor is the same, but your blanket statement isnt in line with what other military members have said.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 8:58:55 AM EDT
Why in the holy hell would you want an interceptor anyways? I wear mine for 8hrs a day without taking it off and its the worst BA Ive ever put on. Mine weighs 52lbs with everything on/in it.

I have my own eagle plate carrier and I wish everyday I could wear it instead of my IBA.

If anyone can answer the taking home of personal gear that is ours but the mil issues it (generally speaking). lll be going home in a few months here and have a bag of weapons parts. None of it is off any government property items but I dont have a way to prove it. Some of it I have on my rifle so they shouldnt say anything about that.

As a side note DRMO is great for getting large amounts of useful items. People were getting crazy ass shit that is off the books.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 9:23:26 AM EDT

Why in the holy hell would you want an interceptor anyways? I wear mine for 8hrs a day without taking it off and its the worst BA Ive ever put on. Mine weighs 52lbs with everything on/in it.

I have my own eagle plate carrier and I wish everyday I could wear it instead of my IBA.

If anyone can answer the taking home of personal gear that is ours but the mil issues it (generally speaking). lll be going home in a few months here and have a bag of weapons parts. None of it is off any government property items but I dont have a way to prove it. Some of it I have on my rifle so they shouldnt say anything about that.

As a side note DRMO is great for getting large amounts of useful items. People were getting crazy ass shit that is off the books.

I dont know if you are a Marine or in the army, but here is the last time I remember someone saying it.  I have heard the same thing before.  it is the post by Spartacus2002.

FYI: for report f survey procedures, the Army has declared Wiley X ballistic goggles to be nonrecoverable items -- meaning you keep them upon PCS/ETS and don't turn them back in. I learned this when trying to help soldiers who had theirs lost during a unit move in OIF/OER, but had a report of survey done against them a year later

Just a trivia point to help those serving overseas

Oh nevermind, you were asking about something completely different.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 10:07:04 AM EDT

If anyone can answer the taking home of personal gear that is ours but the mil issues it (generally speaking).  

You'll need to have your CO sign off that it's your property.  Sometimes customs requires the form, other times they don't, but it's better to have the form than not.

Stuff like the wileyX's, you keep, just like shirts, socks, underoos, etc.  Other items ordered class 9 are good depending on your supply.
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 4:24:38 PM EDT


If anyone can answer the taking home of personal gear that is ours but the mil issues it (generally speaking).  

You'll need to have your CO sign off that it's your property.  Sometimes customs requires the form, other times they don't, but it's better to have the form than not.

Stuff like the wileyX's, you keep, just like shirts, socks, underoos, etc.  Other items ordered class 9 are good depending on your supply.

okay, this is probably why you're a corporal for life. we should probably switch user names.

i brought a personally owned trijicon reflex II (NSN model) to afghanistan and back. while it wouldn't hurt to get a letter from an officer, it's not likely to matter. you are going to pack your personally owned sights along with the govt. owned sights in a connex, probably the same one the weapons are going in. the MPs will search for contraband and, finding none, seal the connex. when it gets back to your home station it will be opened and you will recover your gear. no one will ask you to turn in gear that you did not sign for. it is widely known that these sights are available commercially and you cannot be held accountable for something that you can legally purchase on your own and the army has no record of ever being issued to you.

the same COULD be done with an interceptor vest but it is complicated and legally dangerous because:
1: it would, in fact be stolen and the army could prove it.
2: it is a sensitive item.
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