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Posted: 1/25/2009 7:18:24 PM EST
Damn . . . . talk about possibly stepping on your proverbial dick.

Even a hard headed, insensitive, Texas Proud red neck knows that the military won't stand for this engraving on the front of their cans.

The press would have a field day with it.

If he is actually selling these or donating these to the military, he is gonna have to get that off the front of the cans.

ETA:  Since this is just a good Joke, I'll run this by some of my Arab customers and see if they get "the joke" and will pick one of the cans up.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:24:03 PM EST
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:32:59 PM EST
Not a fan as it shows an inherent bias. We have plenty of enemies who aren't Arab.

Now if it said 'Front towards Communists' I could get behind that.

Whose cans are these anyway?
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:46:05 PM EST
Those look a little 'crude' for military-purchase items, unless they are very early in the production process...
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:46:33 PM EST
Not a fan as it shows an inherent bias. We have plenty of enemies who aren't Arab.

Now if it said 'Front towards Communists' I could get behind that.

Whose cans are these anyway?

Better yet front toward terrorist
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:47:08 PM EST
i'd buy one
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:56:26 PM EST
If they were legal in IA it could say "look at me I'm a dork" and I would buy it.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:37:25 PM EST
is this OP entirely necessary?
i think this is a issue that should be kept between the seller and buyers. IE me as im a buyer.
and i will be keeping it on my can.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 8:51:42 PM EST
is this OP entirely necessary?
i think this is a issue that should be kept between the seller and buyers. IE me as im a buyer.
and i will be keeping it on my can.

As these cans (Bushwacker) were designed for troop deployment, I think the OP has a point. Civilian sales were part of an effort to lower cost by increasing the production run. What Green0 has done is honorable, but I think the engraving is in bad taste and will surely run afoul of our kinder, gentler military.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 10:10:53 PM EST
Front Toward Arabs?
Does that include Arab soldiers in the US military?
Or Arabs serving in Federal LE positions?
Maybe he means American civilians of Arab descent who fled persecution in their homelands to find safety here?
Perhaps he means those American civilians of Arab descent who volunteered to go overseas and serve as interpreters for our troops?
How about our Arab allies in Iraq who fight, and die, in large numbers next to our troops?

Disgusting, and does everything to further the view that the shooting community is populated by ignorant, hateful rascists.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 10:16:47 PM EST
pretty dumb.  yet another reason why gun owners get lumped into the white racist category.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 2:56:10 AM EST
Disgusting, and does everything to further the view that the shooting community is populated by ignorant, hateful rascists.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 4:21:23 AM EST
pretty dumb.  yet another reason why gun owners get lumped into the white racist category.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:09:36 AM EST
To me that doesnt look like a finished product.  If it is finished ... then there is no way that you could get me to shoot that can.  It looks suspect to say the least.

Its got to be a little funny that isnt meant to be seen.  I dont see an outer sleeve or anything like that, that would be serialized.  I think it is an attemp at humore if the can was ever taken apart in the presence of an end user and not meant for the general public to see.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 6:23:32 AM EST
is this OP entirely necessary?
i think this is a issue that should be kept between the seller and buyers. IE me as im a buyer.
and i will be keeping it on my can.

And now buyers know what the can will say, since it was not mentioned when orders were being taken.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:36:25 AM EST
where do i sign up
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:39:18 AM EST
Why didn't he just come out and put.

"Death to niggars, long live the Aryan race"

What he put is almost as stupid and racist.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:49:58 AM EST
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:48:57 AM EST
GreenO just needs to remove that language from the endcap.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 10:29:48 AM EST
Not only dumb and racist, but counter productive to the anti-insurgency campaign.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 11:30:43 AM EST
That is in really poor taste, however this is also a free (well, almost free) country and he can do this if he wants to.  

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 11:41:21 AM EST
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 12:00:32 PM EST
nice, green0 did some good work. i dont see any prob with it. shit were killing these fuckers a little language aint gonna make a difference.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 12:06:34 PM EST
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 12:07:40 PM EST
It was a joke.  People need to chill out and realize opinions are often based on experiences.  Arabs was a term I was using to refer to terrorists.  

People who throw rocks at soldiers, shoot at soldiers for sport, bomb soldiers and civilians for fun, and Id even throw into that category the middle eastern people who see an ACU backpack at a university and issue a hate stare.  If you live here you should appreciate the armed forces who keep us safe at home.

The arab terrorists to me are not a group of ambiguous people who destroyed a building I never visited.  I lived in a room with a small group of people for 18 months at one point.  One of them was a 19 year old kid who's major ambition was to get home alive to go deer hunting with his cousin and best friend.  Instead he got cored out by an EFP on the side of the road in bagdhad's spaghetti junction, as we Americans call it.  I really don't think he ever injured or killed any Iraqis.  I doubt he ever treated them with dissrespect.  

If you don't appreciate the joke, I appologize.  I realize that my joke may be taken out of context.  Im sorry Im not quite as sheltered as I was before life's experiences took me to where I am today, training for a second trip with another big group of good guys I want to see come home safe, but understand probably will not on account of the actions of some ununiformed arab terrorist.

+1000 man u dont really have to explain, most people are too concerned about being PC correct. you make some nice cans.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 12:10:41 PM EST
I just want to know where I get 6-sided bullets....
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 12:36:20 PM EST
It was a bad joke in poor taste IMO. Arab is too generic a term to lump in with terrorists. There are plenty of non-arab Islamic/non-Islamic terrorists out there
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 1:26:13 PM EST
Can I buy one that says "Front Towards Taliban"?  That would be sick to have for my next trip to Afghanistan.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 1:33:58 PM EST
if anyone is still "demanding a refund", please let me know i will gladly fork over the 400$ to get my paws on a second bushwacker unit  
Austin gave us a amazing deal, (at his expense as the production cost him more than 400 each ) and some of us are so quick to jump down his throat over something he thought we would all like. Should he have gotten a sampling of who all wanted the writing on the cans? sure. is he giving us an amazing deal on a great suppressor? fuck yes he is!
will the engraving come off? yes, very easily, you can fill the engraving with something then have it turned down to be flush with the front of the suppressor. im sure those more knowledgeable in such things will chime in.
as far as why this thread was started? i still personally believe it should have been kept an issue between the buyer and seller and airing this on a public forum is just bad taste on the OP's part. Keeping the original post, which was in the HTF, should have been sufficient in airing concerns over the writing on the front of the can.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 2:23:44 PM EST
Doesn't bother me.  I don't see too many Dutch people trying to blow us up.  "Arab" is specific enough for me.  We all know that there are a few good apples in that basket, but by and large....
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:00:27 PM EST
I thought you were supposed to use square bullets on muslims, when did they change it to hex bullets?

Actually I think it is funny and I wouldn't mind it on a can of my own. BTW, where can I find out more about them?

For the haters and trigger happy mods, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puckle_gun re; square bullets.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:01:30 PM EST
Not only dumb and racist, but counter productive to the anti-insurgency campaign.


PR nightmare for GreenO and the military.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:02:54 PM EST
It was a joke.  People need to chill out and realize opinions are often based on experiences.  Arabs was a term I was using to refer to terrorists.  

People who throw rocks at soldiers, shoot at soldiers for sport, bomb soldiers and civilians for fun, and Id even throw into that category the middle eastern people who see an ACU backpack at a university and issue a hate stare.  If you live here you should appreciate the armed forces who keep us safe at home.

The arab terrorists to me are not a group of ambiguous people who destroyed a building I never visited.  I lived in a room with a small group of people for 18 months at one point.  One of them was a 19 year old kid who's major ambition was to get home alive to go deer hunting with his cousin and best friend.  Instead he got cored out by an EFP on the side of the road in bagdhad's spaghetti junction, as we Americans call it.  I really don't think he ever injured or killed any Iraqis.  I doubt he ever treated them with dissrespect.  

If you don't appreciate the joke, I appologize.  I realize that my joke may be taken out of context.  Im sorry Im not quite as sheltered as I was before life's experiences took me to where I am today, training for a second trip with another big group of good guys I want to see come home safe, but understand probably will not on account of the actions of some ununiformed arab terrorist.

So Racist jokes are going to help win the hearts and minds of those who aren't in the insurgency?

How about those who are of ARAB descent in the Military?

ETA:  Seriously GreenO, if you are actually in the military (and I have no reason to believe that you aren't) do you want to ruin some young officers name and career by letting him sign for these things and then have to explain to someone from Brigade or Division why he though that a piece of equipment with "FRONT TOWARD ARABS" will help win the insurgency?

I say young officer because anyone who has risen to the rank of LT Col or above, 1st Sgt or above, will reject this donation and never let it out in the field or anywhere in the unit because he will know that it would be career suicide for his name to be associated with this once the press got a hold of it.

2nd ETA:   GreenO, your heart is in the right place.  The execution is a lot fucked up based on the realities of the world that you purport to be operating in.  By machining that phrase into the endcap, you have probably guranteed that no one will be issued your can.  You are looking at this like a private, SPC or maybe even a E-5.  Frankly, I don't understand why you would go to this effort and then self destruct in this manner.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:15:21 PM EST
Doesn't bother me.  I don't see too many Dutch people trying to blow us up.  "Arab" is specific enough for me.  We all know that there are a few good apples in that basket, but by and large....

Not the point at all.  We are in Iraq and A-Stan attempting to apture the hearts and minds of those who have not joined the insurgency and win back wthose who have joined the insurgency.

How does "FROINT TOWARD ARAB" accomplish this?

Heck, even in the civilian world, how does this phrase help the NFA community?

I, for one, was looking forward to seeing how GreenO's can performed in the real world and now I'm saddened by this turn of events as I do not think that they will ever be accepted as a donation and help his unit becasue of his short sighted view on racist jokes.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:42:55 PM EST
Hmm ,i have to ask Q to those of you that think its ok to write front against Arabs ,just because some of them are theorist

Is it ok to write front against
(put in the nationality of the terrorist ) that did this

The attack claimed 168 lives and left over 800 people injured. Until the September 11, 2001 attacks, it was the deadliest act of terrorism on U.S. soil.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:44:51 PM EST
Front towards enemy, front towards terrorist, etc., would be fine with me.  This makes as much sense as having "Front Towards Blacks" on a home defense weapon.  Totally counter productive.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:50:05 PM EST
Of all the stupid shit to whine about...

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 4:11:40 PM EST
Of all the stupid shit to whine about...

i drama in this thread is high.  
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 4:47:39 PM EST
If the cans were marketed towards civilians I'd just say not my cup of tea and pass on it. To be used by the military is just counter intuitive to the fight we are in.

First of all, most Taliban aren't Arab, neither were the Chechans I saw hanging around street corners in Iraq. The phrasing on the can casts way too wide of a net with way too many holes to even make sense to me.

I've been there done that, and wish I had a can while I was there, but how would I explain the phrasing to our Iraqi interpreter who was threatened multiple times just for working with us?

I understand the intent but the execution was poorly thought out in my opinion.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:06:55 PM EST
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:13:43 PM EST
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:15:14 PM EST
Drama in a thread? Wheres Mr LaRue when ya need him?
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:36:32 PM EST
He would have to have a can to manufacture first.  
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:40:43 PM EST
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