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Posted: 12/30/2002 5:40:36 PM EDT
I have read all the threads about how Afghans are using hand saws and sheet metal to make AKs and other weapons.  Well is it really that easy?  I mean, you can get a lot of diagrams off the net on how to make your own pen gun or zip gun but really an AK?  As a matter of fact, could you build an AR from a block of steal and just mill out the parts?  I am not a terrorist or some LEO.  I just want to know if some guys are just blowing hot gas, and would like proof either way.  Thanks all.
Link Posted: 12/30/2002 5:46:55 PM EDT
You can do anything you set your mind to do.
Link Posted: 12/30/2002 5:47:34 PM EDT
We need to ban Home Depots...It's for the children!
Link Posted: 12/30/2002 5:50:38 PM EDT
The right man with tools can build anything. It's legal for US citizens to build their own firearms. Building an AR is fairly easy with an 80% casting and a few hundred dollars worth of jigs, drill bits, taps and Bushmaster parts. With less money and parts more time would be needed.

It took me about 8 hours to machine my first lower and know my next will go faster with the lessons I've learned.
Link Posted: 12/30/2002 5:52:41 PM EDT
home depot already sells nail guns
Link Posted: 12/30/2002 6:01:30 PM EDT
what kind of jigs, drills, and presses did you use to make lowers from 80% casting? How hard was it to make it?
Link Posted: 12/30/2002 8:04:20 PM EDT
Drill press
Milling machine
Propane torch
Punch press
Blue prints from Tula Arsenal
Conversion chart from metric to American Standard
Link Posted: 12/30/2002 9:03:48 PM EDT
So I guess if you just have the right tools you can make a lower and mail order the rest.  Where do you get AR lower plans for the measurements any way?
Link Posted: 12/30/2002 11:59:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 12:13:15 AM EDT

home depot already sells nail guns

Yes, but can you get it pre-ban w/flash hider and bayonet lug.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 1:14:01 AM EDT
Hell that looks pretty simple.. I've taken Advanced autcad classes.. and done the 3d also.. If I get around to it.. I might use those pdf files and make a 3d lower on autcad 2002
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 1:40:52 AM EDT
The Pathans have been hand-building "Khyber Pass Specials" since before the advent of the metalic cartridge. I've got some very close friends who hail from the Norther Pakistan area and have shown me pictures of some of the shops.

Back in the old days it was probably pretty dangerous to shoot this stuff, but these days a lot of the more established families are turning out higher quality weapons than the originals. One of the most popular, a type of gun owned by a friend of mine, was a 7.62x54mm KRINK sized AK that use mags that look like 3/4 size 20rnd M14 mags. My friend and his older brother claim to have put a lot of rounds through the gun before selling it when they were about 18 and 20 and say it was both quite accurate, and very fun to shoot. If I remember when I get back from Basic I'll post a pic of this Khyber weapon for all to enjoy.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 1:51:22 AM EDT
With a Dremel Rotary tool and and drill press you can make anything.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 9:04:08 AM EDT
The answer is Yes, You Can.  The next question is....Can YOU?
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 11:29:12 AM EDT
I remember seeing a site where they were building AK recievers using sheet metal! they had a machine and they were just bending it, pretty cool.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 2:07:29 PM EDT
Dam near impossible for everyone but the most experienced. However, it is well within reach for most if starting from an imported parts kit. This, however, is not building one from Home Depot items as the press points out. Unless, of course, Home Depot competes with Interordnance and I missed seeing the parts kits there.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 4:00:07 PM EDT
I needed the following to complete the lower from 80%:

Drill Press ($50)
3x16" Belt Sander ($30)
A bunch of HSS drill bits ($30)
A buffer tube tap and drill bit ($130)
An OSI jig ($175)
A few hours and bandaids ($.10)

I bought the upper, lower receiver small parts kit, furniture, and receiver extension/spring. I can't see making my own barrels and springs yet ... but they're easy enough to come buy.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 6:04:49 PM EDT
Just use a hammer. You can make anything with a hammer.
Link Posted: 1/1/2003 8:27:39 AM EDT
I ran into these instructions on making one's own AK receiver.  Curious to know if it would work:
Link Posted: 1/2/2003 4:13:35 PM EDT
What are the legalities of this:

Okay to buy with no FFL, like this guy says?  What does the BATF think?  Anyone?

Link Posted: 1/2/2003 8:38:35 PM EDT

What does the BATF think [abt bent-metal.com receiver blanks]?

There are no holes drilled.  It's just a piece of sheet metal with four bends.  It would require 23 holes drilled, 3 openings milled (for the trigger, pistol grip, and magazine), the top rails cut, and the inside rails added and welded into place.  Logically speaking, how could they object?  Oops, I forgot.  We're dealing with the government.  Logic doesn't apply.

I'm considering buying one to build a 5.45 AK pistol if the AWB goes away.  In my opinion, if you're building a rifle, it's way too much work when for only $25 more you can buy a complete rifle receiver.  For a pistol, it's worth the effort since it's hard to buy an AK receiver with the paperwork done as a pistol.

To bring this back on topic, I think I could complete that project with a parts kid and simple tools that most people already have.  Drill the holes with my drill press.  Cut the openings on the underside and cut the upper rails with a Dremel tool.  Attach the inner rails with a pair of screws on each.  Thread the trunions to screw it together rather than riveting.  Then, I have a working AK.  The only problem is getting all 23 of the holes in exactly the right spot.z

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