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Posted: 12/30/2006 9:14:15 AM EDT
Went to the funshow today and saw plenty of M1A's.  All were Springfield, most were used with no box.  Since they all seem to look identical externally, how can I tell what model I'm handling? As in standard, loaded, NM??

Of coarse every seller I asked would say, "Oh that right there is the top o' the line Super National Uber Match"  .... which was total BS.

Thanks for the help.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 9:57:42 AM EDT
What, you didn't bring your mojo meter to the fun show?
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 10:23:10 AM EDT
Go to their website and study the different models.  That covers most of them.  Although they did carry a couple models that they didn't use to.  I don't think they carry the "Bush" model any more.  It's real similar to the scout but no scout mount and you could get it a real tree finish or something like that.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 10:31:18 AM EDT
I can tell the difference between the Standard/Loaded and the higher end NM and Super Match by the hooded rear sight.  But the Standards and the Loadeds seem to blend together.  I saw a Standard NIB that had a NM front sight which they usually dont have.  ITS VERY CONFUSING.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 10:50:16 AM EDT
SA, Inc. has been installing NM front sights on standard model M1A rifles for several years.  Barrels and stocks are the first steps to identifying the different models.  JJREA had a great suggestion, study the SA, Inc. web site.  Here's a list of known SA, Inc. model numbers from the 12/30/06 draft of the Third Edition of M14 Rifle History and Development:

Catalog Number Model Description
AA9102 M1A Bush with commercial walnut stock
AA9104 M1A Bush with black fiberglass stock
AA9110 M1A-A1 Bush with Choate black fiberglass folding stock
AA9116 M1A-A1 with wood laminate stock
AA9122 Scout Squad with commercial walnut stock
AA9124 Scout Squad with mossy oak stock
AA9126 Scout Squad with black fiberglass stock
AA9626 SOCOM 16
AA9628 SOCOM 16 Urban
MA9101 collector edition with standard contour barrel and USGI wood stock
MA9102 standard with commercial walnut stock
MA9103 collector edition with USGI barrel and USGI birch stock
MA9104 standard with mossy oak stock
MA9106 standard with black fiberglass stock
MA9117 standard with woodland camouflage fiberglass stock
MA9201 loaded standard -promotional (1996 and 1997 production)
MA9222 loaded standard with commercial walnut stock
MA9225 loaded standard with wood laminate stock
MA9226 loaded standard with black fiberglass stock
MA9801 select fire
MA9806 loaded standard with black fiberglass stock and stainless steel NM medium weight barrel (1997 production)
MA9822 loaded standard with commercial walnut stock and stainless steel NM medium weight barrel
MA9825 loaded standard with laminate wood stock and stainless steel NM medium weight barrel (1999 production)
MA9826 loaded standard with black fiberglass stock and stainless steel NM medium weight barrel (2006 production)
MA9827 loaded standard with black fibeglass stock, stainless steel NM medium weight barrel and cluster rail
MA9851 collector edition with stainless steel barrel and USGI wood stock
NA9102 National Match with medium weight barrel
NA9802 National Match with stainless steel medium weight barrel
SA9102 Super Match with oversized commercial walnut stock
SA9115 Super Match with Shaw stock and Douglas barrel
SA9121 M21 with Douglas NM heavyweight barrel
SA9131 M21 with Krieger stainless steel NM heavyweight barrel
SA9502 M25 with Krieger molybdenum-chromium alloy steel barrel or Krieger stainless steel barrel
SA9802 Super Match with oversized commercial walnut stock and Douglas stainless steel barrel
SA9804 Super Match with black McMillan stock and Douglas stainless steel barrel
SA9805 Super Match with camouflage McMillan stock and Douglas stainless steel barrel
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 10:54:00 AM EDT
Thanks for the list, is the model number stamped anywhere on the gun?
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 11:09:03 AM EDT
The M1A catalog number is indicated on the factory shipping box but not on the rifle itself.  If you pull the operating rod to the rear you can tell what contour (size) barrel is on the rifle, standard, medium or heavy.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 2:04:10 PM EDT
Where was there a gunshow at in OH?
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 2:07:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 7:08:46 PM EDT
If you don't see epoxy or fiberglass bedding around the footprint of the receiver, it's not one of the match models.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:34:32 AM EDT
pull back the operating rod.  If the barrel is skinny, it is a standard model.  If the barrel is fat, like over an inch thick, and it has a non-hooded rear sight, it's a Loaded model.  If it has a fat barrel, hooded rear sight, and bedded stock, it's a National Match.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 9:05:50 AM EDT
I saw one that looked like a factory package deal, came with Springfield scope and mount.  Anyone have details on these?  Are the scopes garbage?

thanks for the help so far.  I may go back to the funshow today and buy one now that I'm a bit more educated on the subject.
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