Hello Alpha815. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. If you want the MOST authentic replica of the Hawken, Mountain Man style long rifle, you want the Lyman Great Plains Rifle kit!!! Considered by many in the Rendezvous circles as the best NON CUSTOM option, it has double set triggers, two barrel keys. It can be had with a 1/66 round ball twist barrel, a 1/32 twist for conicals and the Lee Real bullet, and they make a shorter version called the Great Plains Hunter with a 28 inch barrel. It can be had in both flintlock and percussion ignition, .50 and .54 caliber, in both ready to shoot and kit format. I have built three of them and they are all terrific guns. I used the GPR in 1/66 RB as a competition rifle in the 80's and a .54 caliber GPH for hunting purposes. All models are available in left hand format as well. I never felt the need for the shorter carbine length (28 inch) barreled options as I was trying to hunt as authentically as I could when using the GPR/GPH, and the long rifle just appeals to me. ymmv.
Go to MidSouthShootersSupply.com for the best prices I have seen on them.