Product: Gunkote 2400 flat black
Compressor: 80gal. Dual filters so should be clear of moisture.
Blaster and Media: small siphon cabinet running 40/80psi(aluminum/steel) with medium grit aluminum oxide
Airbrush: Garbage Freight cheapie supposed to be adjustable but isnt, however it seems to be putting out plenty of gunkote. Tried running at 25-40 psi without luck.
Environment: Basement workshop about 75 and somewhat humid but not terrible
Process: Degrease with O'Reillys brake cleaner, blast at said psi, degrease again, warm up, deagrease again, warm up and shoot two thin coats using hair dryer between them. Let sit for hour or more then bake at 325 for an hour at least.
Problem: My first time shooting it, gunkote shot great but I dont think I shook it well enough so who knows how well it will hold up. However, it looks great and seems tough. Now the gunkote is just dust on the part and not sticking. This began after I left the cap off my old can so I figured the solvent evaporated. I just bought a new pint from midway and am still having the problem, tried turning down the pressure in the gun because I thought it might be drying in the air but that didnt work either. Im currently wasting expensive coating and am not happy about it. Thoughts??