Well, with the powers at be having taken over the country, I'm putting more and more thought into picking up my GSG. I am waiting for my dealer to be able to order GSG's, but I can't help but wondering if I shouldnt buy an AR-15 instead.
I can pick up a GSG for around $425, but for about double that I can get an AR-15. I know that double the pricetag is a lot, but I'm thinking long run here. I'm just having a hard time making up my mind completely. I like the GSG a lot, but each has its own benefits and drawbacks.
At the end of the day, the GSG is kind of a toy, having been made by an airsoft company and calibered in .22LR. But this makes the cost to shoot really low and the wow factor is deffinitely there.
The AR-15 is heavy duty, can be used in SHTF situations (zombie plucking
), and seems to be a better platform as far as being able to do caliber conversions, and not having ammo pickiness. But I would either have to join the local range for $200 a year or pay 25 bucks for 50 rounds everytime i want to shoot it at the indoor range. But with the AR, if the ban goes through, I definitely wont be able to pick one up for 800 in the future.
I dont really know where to go with this one. The logical part of my brain says buy the GSG and save money, but the little boy inside of me says lets put some holes in some stuff with the AR-15...
What would you guys do in this given situation