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Posted: 11/16/2014 9:20:14 PM EDT
Has anyone received they MPCs from GGG?
I ordered mine on 11 November and still no joy.
Link Posted: 11/16/2014 10:19:19 PM EDT
They just show up.  I never got tracking info on mine, it just showed up one day.
Link Posted: 11/17/2014 1:00:29 AM EDT
Good to know, thanks!
Link Posted: 11/17/2014 1:05:22 AM EDT
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Good to know, thanks!
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No problem. I'm sure that's not the answer you wanted but it's an answer none the less. I was getting kinda frustrated because I thought they hadn't shipped yet and I paid for 2 day shipping, but then I got home and it was there. So yeah, kinda crappy way of doing it, but it will arrive.
Link Posted: 11/17/2014 8:12:22 AM EDT
I would think that three business days would not be a reason for concern.

Link Posted: 11/17/2014 10:16:39 AM EDT
Ordered mine on the same day, standard shipping, still not here.  But it's still not a concern yet.  My guess is it's just good old fashioned USPS parcel mail and it'll take 6-9 business days.
Link Posted: 11/18/2014 2:53:00 AM EDT
I ordered mine on their Black Friday sale last year. Took until the end of January to arrive.
Link Posted: 11/18/2014 10:47:34 AM EDT
Time to give them a call then.
Link Posted: 11/18/2014 12:02:25 PM EDT

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Time to give them a call then.
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My account at GGG has a tracking number on it.  Mine is on the truck to be delivered today according to FedEx.  Ordered on the same day you did.  

Link Posted: 11/19/2014 12:46:22 AM EDT
Just piling on. Ordered mine also on 11 Nov and it just showed up today.

And damn that thing is light! (In an empty, no plates or pouches kinda way....)
Link Posted: 11/19/2014 1:25:17 AM EDT
Guess we should start a GGG MPC thread.
Link Posted: 11/19/2014 2:33:34 AM EDT
Just checked my account as well; will be arriving tomorrow :D
Come to daddy baby...
Link Posted: 11/19/2014 6:23:43 PM EDT
So I just got my MPCs and also my plates from Bulletproofme.com arrived.
Plates are 10" x 12" SAPI cut.

First thoughts?
The MPC was made to fit 10" x 12" plates exactly.
The MPC and the plates were exactly what I was looking for in terms of lightweight, low profile rig I could wear under clothing.
We will see how it holds up out in the sandbox, but I have high hopes.

I am a happy man.
Hear me roar.

Link Posted: 11/20/2014 12:04:51 PM EDT

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So I just got my MPCs and also my plates from Bulletproofme.com arrived.

Plates are 10" x 12" SAPI cut.

First thoughts?

The MPC was made to fit 10" x 12" plates exactly.

The MPC and the plates were exactly what I was looking for in terms of lightweight, low profile rig I could wear under clothing.

We will see how it holds up out in the sandbox, but I have high hopes.

I am a happy man.

Hear me roar.

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Got any pics?  I've got mine sitting here with the pouches.  Just haven't had the time to invest in mounting the taco's to it yet.  I know there are people who say it can be done easily, but those people are not me.  I ALWAYS have a hard time with them.

Anyway, still deciding on plates and I had my eye on the bulletproofme.com lvl IV ceramics you mentioned.  Would love to see what they look like in the carrier.


Link Posted: 11/20/2014 12:42:44 PM EDT
I am going to run mine slick but will definitely post photos with the MPC and plates later.
They also look like SAPI plates will be "accepted" as well, but I feel they were more designed to properly "fit" 10" x12"s.
Link Posted: 11/20/2014 2:11:46 PM EDT
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So I just got my MPCs and also my plates from Bulletproofme.com arrived.
Plates are 10" x 12" SAPI cut.

First thoughts?
The MPC was made to fit 10" x 12" plates exactly.
The MPC and the plates were exactly what I was looking for in terms of lightweight, low profile rig I could wear under clothing.
We will see how it holds up out in the sandbox, but I have high hopes.

I am a happy man.
Hear me roar.

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Bulletproofme shipped you plates to an APO?
Link Posted: 11/20/2014 3:02:32 PM EDT
No I am back in the US for a few weeks.
My plates were shipped to Fairfax, VA.
Not sure whether they ship to APOs.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 8:14:39 AM EDT
As promised, here is what I have in terms of fitting of different plate sizes for the GGG MPC.

1. BPM Level III+ Standalone, 10" x 12", 1 inch thick, single curve, SAPI cut

As you can see in the photos, a 10" x 12" size plate will fit perfectly into the MPC.
It is a snug fit with no bouncing around in the plate bag, no margins whatsoever.

Front view with plates

Plates in the plate bag seen from the corner opening

No margin from the bottom of the plate to the bottom velcro closure

2. Global Armour Level IV ICW 10” x 12”, non-SAPI swimmer's cut, triple curve, with 10.5” x 12” TAG Banshee Plate Backer

Photos show another example of a snug fit.

Front view with TAG Banshee Plate Backer. As you can see, the MPC can accommodate plates that are not SAPI cut, which I think is a great feature that provides some level of compatibility for plates with different cuts, and if you are not too concerned with the cosmetics of tacticool.

No margin from the bottom of the backer to the bottom velcro closure

View of both plate and backer from the corner opening

Front view with plate and backer

Plate and backer seen from the bottom velcro closure; no margin.

3. Armor Australia Level III+ ICW 9” x 12”, triple curve, with 10.5” x 12” TAG Banshee Plate Backer

While a bit narrower than the plate bag interior (0.5" on each side), the excess 0.5" of the plate backer curves up against the sides of the bag interior and keeps the plate in place.

Seen from the corner opening

No margin from the bottom velcro closure

4. HighCom 4SAS-7 Level IV Standalone 10” x 12”, single curve (nominal 9.5” x 11.5”)

Fairly loose fit, the plate will move around a bit in the bag, as there are 0.5" margins on each side.

Pushing the plate all the way up, this leaves a 1-inch margin between the bottom of the plate and the bottom velcro closure

Not sure whether large ESAPI plates (10.125" x 13.25") would fit as advertised; if it did, the bottom velcro closure would only overlap halfway.
Sides would be a pretty tight fit; anything larger than this would undoubtedly not fit, and anything smaller would move around inside the plate bags.

Initial thoughts on my current set-up indicated in #1, I am very satisfied.
I have this rig for quick donning in the event of an emergency while I am in my accommodations.
In my office, I have an LBT 6094A with my Armor Australia Level III+ ICW plates and the original cumberbund retrofitted with FirstSpear tubes.

Hope this helps!

ETA: There is actually a 0.5" margin with the 10" x 12" at the bottom velcro closure. This would allow a good fit with large ESAPI plates.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 10:35:10 AM EDT

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As promised, here is what I have in terms of fitting of different plate sizes for the GGG MPC.


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Thank you sir!  Looks like the 10x12 SAPI's is what I'll look for.

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