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Posted: 1/21/2013 4:57:37 AM EDT
About 10 years ago I bought a safe from a neighbor who was moving.  Not knowing anything about safes I bought it to help him out and I needed a safe.  Never put any thought into how strong it is, looks pretty strong to me but I'm an electrician, not an iron worker.

Lately I tried doing some research on this safe and I cannot find any information.  The name on the front door says Fortress Safes and a label inside says it was made in Grace, Idaho.  Only one side has active bolts.  

Does anyone know anything about these ?  I know it's not the best with only having active bolts on one side.  I do have it bolted to a concrete floor with six steel anchors.

Thanks for any info.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 6:22:34 AM EDT

google is your friend.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 7:04:17 AM EDT
In the safe business, you will find that there are many safes which share the same name (especially names that imply strength, like Fortress), and safes made by one manufacturer, that are rebadged by another.

If you could post a photo, it may help.
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