Firearms Commerce in the United States 2017
Numbers are all from 2016.
Transfer and making tax [Form 1/4] is up to $62,596,000. That is up from $32,462,000. That is an increase of increase of almost 93%.
Form 4's are up to 133,911. 2015 was 130,017. The slight bump is due to the majority of the forms not being fully processed until this year. Expect a much larger jump next year, but that will be offset by slow sales in 2017.
Form 2's were crazy- At 1,066,812 up from 583,499 in 2015. Now those are individual Form 2's, which typically hold one model but an unlimited number of serials (IE there is one form for 1,000 Model X silencers). This basically means manufacturers filed almost twice the number of forms in 2016 as in 2015.
Form 1's had a solid bump from 32,558 in 2015 to 49,985 in 2016. That is a bump of over 53%.
Total number of forms (1 thru 9) totaled 2,530,209. That is a 61% increase in a year.
Transferred silencers are up over 1 million units for the first time ever (1,360,023). That does include all silencers for all non military channels. 2015 totals were 902,805. That is just over a 50% bump.
Top 3 states remain- TX (242k), FL (85k) and GA (63k).
There are 10,513 SOT's in the US. This includes dealer, importer, manufacturer, wholesaler, and machine shop that pays for their SOT.
There are 137,464 FFL's in the US (a slight drop of 1.6%, but that appears to be mainly Ammo manufactures that gave up their FFL between 2015/2016). Again, this is any business/ entity with an FFL.
So that means 7.64% of FFL's have SOT's.
Top 3 states with FFL's are TX (10,954), CA (7,745) and FL (7,745).