I'm the wrong person to answer any technical questions. Just so you know.
Quoted: Does it go bad or fade after a certain time?
The tubes are rated for a certain amount of hours. I think the unit you're looking at was either one or two thousand hours. Even if it's only a thousand, you ain't got nothing to worry about. Unless you leave it on 24-7, it would take years to get to that.
When you first get your unit you do go out and play with it a lot and show it off to your freinds, etc. but once the fun of having NV starts to fade, you find yourself only using it when you hear a strange noise outside, hunt, or feel it's time to give the unit some exersize.
Just check out the used NV for sale and you'll see a lot of the old gen 1 and gen 2 stuff still out there going strong. If you buy the D300 from Victor, your unit could last you a lifetime but I figure you'll want to upgrade somewhere down the line. NV seems to keep getting higher and higher tech all the time.
BTW, I had a unit identical to the one you want and it did everything I wanted it too do. I only sold it because I got a good deal on a PVS-14 and had no need for it anymore.