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Posted: 1/7/2003 1:05:04 PM EDT
I found this on GunsAmerica.com

Category: Smith & Wesson Pistols - Revolvers  GA#: 976304802
Model: Smith & Wesson 25-5 Seller #:  
Price: $295.00  Seller: C & C SPORTS CENTER

Description: Smith & Wesson 25-5. 1989 5" Bbl. Hogue Grips. .45LC. Excellent Shape.

AAAAAGGGHHH!!!!  A 5" model 25-5 in .45 Long Colt!  For $295!!!!


(Always a day late...)
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 1:15:24 PM EDT
Yo, dude, DEEP breaths.  Thats it, in out, oohhhmmmm.  Yes.  It will get better.

Don't cha just hate how whatever you are looking for is found JUST after someone else got a screaming deal?  Me too.

Though I think I got what I wanted today  at the price I was willing to pay.  Thank you Lord.

Me have M16 now.  Won't see it in April, but next January shoot it should be MINE.  Bwa ha ha ha ha (sorry, gettting carried away with the evil laughter thing).

Link Posted: 1/7/2003 3:52:21 PM EDT
Man, I wish I knew you were looking for one.  My friend sold two of them the other day.
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 4:44:46 PM EDT
Ohhhhhh a 5"!!  and such a great price too! Wow, I'd be reaching for my wallet so fast there'd be a sonic boom heard.

I got this 6" several weeks back for a fair price,

I'm not sure if I'll keep it though, the 45LC just hasn't warmed my heart yet.  Sure does shoot soft though.

One more try with photoserver number three!
Go for server number four!
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 7:48:49 PM EDT
Don't shoot those wimpy Cowkiddie loads!  Those are to make sure you don't bust an old gun.  The 25 may not be a Ruger Blackhawk, but it will take some pressure.  Load that thing UP!  It'll grow on you THEN.

(I've wanted a 5" Model 25 in .45LC for a long time.  Guess I'll just keep looking.)

...but $295!!!
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 9:29:39 PM EDT

...but $295!!!

Trust me I feel your pain! Extra pain for the 5".

You are absolutely right about those cowpoke loads for 45LC.  Did they gun go off?  Hmmm let me check, yeap the brass is empty and the bullet is gone, yeap made it out of the barrel.

I made some handloads too, but kept in mind the relative weakness of the 25-5, it's still a soft shooter (not like my 629 mountain gun with 300gr handloads) OUCH!

I'll give it a fair chance.

PS:  I'm not sure why the picture displays only some of the time, I'm using a new server since my old one has at least for the time being crapped out.
Link Posted: 1/8/2003 10:22:02 PM EDT
I guess I shouldn't tell ya'll I bought my 25-5 4" barrel in 99% condition for a whopping $225?

I've turned down offers of $400 for it.
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