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Posted: 8/10/2011 1:24:10 PM EDT
Would something like the Cadex Recoil Rail reduce or even prevent recoil damage to NV tubes, like the thin filmed Pinnacles? The intended application being an auto 308 and D740/760.

CADEX pg 40

Link Posted: 8/10/2011 6:32:55 PM EDT
Can you design a system to mitigate recoil shock? Absolutely.

Does that design do it? I guess it's up to the manufacturer to guarantee design suitability.

Though lifting the whole rail up isn't always a good idea if it changes the shooting position and it's not just the recoil shock that matters, it's also the return shock ( of sliding back home ). Hitting a solid edge would send shocks through the NOD in the other direction.

Finally, repeatability is of concern - the system must maintain the accuracy of the device even after you take wear of moving parts into consideration.

It does look like a neat idea otherwise though.


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