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Posted: 1/25/2009 2:56:20 PM EDT
I was in a hurry while i was buying my tumbler kit from midwayusa and accidentally bought the 220 volt international kit. does anyone know of a good converter that i can use so i can finally tumble my brass?
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 3:13:30 PM EDT
Return it.  Midway has great customer service.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 3:53:52 PM EDT
I was in a hurry while i was buying my tumbler kit from midwayusa and accidentally bought the 220 volt international kit. does anyone know of a good converter that i can use so i can finally tumble my brass?

You would need the receptacle that would fit the plug your tumbler came with, and the receptacle would need to be wired to 240 volts.

To further hinder you, in Europe they used 50 cycle power.

60 cycle AC power is what the USA uses.

So there is no magic adaptor plug.

Return the tumbler, you can't be the first person to make this mistake.

Next purchase you will be much more careful which model you buy.
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