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Posted: 12/20/2016 11:26:18 PM EDT
Took a bit of grinding and filing, fits perfectly now. I haven't had a chance to test it, but it manually feeds just fine. Took about 10 minutes. Pretty cool conversion if it works. The dsa 30 rounder next to it won't make it thru a mag without a jam.

Link Posted: 12/21/2016 7:45:36 AM EDT
Another option are the South African 7.62mm Bren mags.  They use the same beak as metric mags.
Link Posted: 12/21/2016 9:49:13 AM EDT
I did this once. I prefer the Bren mags over the DSA for aesthetic reasons myself. They just look cool. However, I never really used it, just like the 20's better. Now timewarp back to the early 90s when ammo was cheap, I'd probably be all over these.
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