Tell me why people continue to show up on here to complain about a product prior to any discussion with the manufacturer...?
We ALL know that SilencerCo will make it right. In the time you spend posting pictures and description, you could have contacted Josh, Gary, Kenny, etc to discuss corrective measures.
I can respect the guys who have an issue that goes uncorrected so they feel posting here will generate a more timely resposnse from the manuf.
Do everyone a favor and be sure to come back to your original post and tell everyone how you were made whole and your issue was fixed.
I agree. I do not think the OP was complaining, but give the manufacturer a chance before you post. I understand the whole "that is why forums are here" argument too. Here is a novel idea...if something goes wrong, take pics, document what happened, call the manufacturer, let them deal with the issue, and then post a report. That way people won't think that the manufacturer is dicked up. Baffle strikes happen for a lot of reasons, the least of which is usually the manufacturers fault. Most all manufacturers will fix the problem. SilencerCo is just the top dog with customer service. They fix things no questions asked.
The problem lies with the new guy who comes to the forum looking for info an his first purchase and he is now turned off from can "X" even though can "X" is a great can. It might have ruined that particular manufacturer for life in the mind of the reader.
The OP did nothing wrong...but hopefully in the future people will take a deep breath and let the dust settle. I have a customers can going back to the manufacturer right now for problems, but you wont see what manufacturer or can it is here. If they do an awesome job, I may post company X did an awesome job handling a bad situation, and if they do a crappy job, then you will hear about that too.
Speaking of which, YHM just sent a customer his can back and did an awesome job taking care of him. They refunded his shipping in product and fixed his problem. Nate and the guys at YHM are freaking awesome. The problem was not YHMs fault either...a well known AR manufacturer did not cut concentric threads.