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Posted: 10/3/2005 2:31:36 PM EDT
Just finished an IPSC sponsored Tactical Shotgun match. Lost the entire first stage, dut to a sluggish bolt and stovepipes. Gun ran like it was constipated.  Finally used some penetrating oil another shooter had, and the gun, HK 12ga Semi auto ran like a champ. The problems was the cool weather that thickened up the lubricant I was using.  Any suggetions on a cold or all weather lubricant for a semi auto?
Thanks for looking.
Link Posted: 10/3/2005 5:17:41 PM EDT
One of the best is still CLP Breakfree.
It handles both low temps and heat very well.

The cleaner part of CLP refers to the "sweeping" or cleaning action of the solvent in CLP.

CLP really isn't intended to be a bore solvent or cleaning solvent, but it does provide a cleaning action.
When the parts move, the CLP keeps fouling and carbon soft, and the moving parts force it out of the way.

CLP tends to continue to lubricate even after it seems to have disappeared, due to the Teflon impregnating the parts.
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 6:15:10 PM EDT
Thanks, but the bolt was cleaned with CLP!  
Link Posted: 10/4/2005 6:22:45 PM EDT
Militec oil works great on my Berreta 390's even when its 15 degrees and snowing on the marsh. I don't use a lot at all and it is synthetic so it does not get too goopy.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:41:45 PM EDT
Breakfree CLP. I have used it in cold weather down to about zero in autoloaders without any problem I would not thing penetrating oil would be a very good lubricant...maybe OK in a pinch.

Cleaning with CLP is different from lubing an autoloader with it...you slobber it on to lube it. I run all mine 'wet' with it and never had a problem with Browning or Beretta autoloaders.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 9:27:13 PM EDT
One mistake too many people make:  The CLP Breakfree bottle says "Shake Well".

Most people pick it up and give it a half-hearted shake then use it.

CLP settles, so you have to shake the DICKENS out of it, then shake it some more every time you pick it up again during a cleaning and lubing session.

I drop a few small ball bearings in the bottle to act as stirrers.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 4:56:44 AM EDT
I use Breakfree CLP almost exclusively, and have yet to have ANY of the difficulties you encountered... In fact, last deer season ended in a particularly cold weather streak, and the last couple of days often reached sub-zero temps - the last day of shotgun season was close to -10F, and I emptied out my 1100 without a hitch... I've been trying some FP-10 as of late, but it is definetly thicker than CLP - so I doubt it would do as well in such cold temps... Also, the bolt/firing pin and trigger assy of my 700 ML was also lubed with CLP, and I had no problems taking a deer in -5F temps a few days later - I've gotta say, I doubt the CLP was the culprit...

  - georgestrings
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