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Posted: 12/8/2010 6:24:10 PM EDT
I bought this C93 several weeks ago from an individual in another state, I put it in the safe and I forgot to check the bolt gap while the transaction was still fresh, I know bad on me. Its new,never been fired with very low S/N# X8X, fit and finish is excellent,Do I change out the rollers to get the correct gap? My PTR-91 BG is 0.12.
I would appreciate the forum's advise and suggestions
 Thanks for all the advise and replies
Link Posted: 12/8/2010 7:28:04 PM EDT
Rollers are only a temp fix.  You may need to send it off/back to get it re- head spaced.
Link Posted: 12/8/2010 8:36:24 PM EDT
Rollers are only a temp fix.  You may need to send it off/back to get it re- head spaced.

Link Posted: 12/9/2010 3:49:11 AM EDT
You can take a chance on Century or you can have it fixed right.  Member "ghilliebear2000" over on HKPro will make it right for you, although I think he is taking a break for a bit.  You will, however, have to order a new barrel from Apex Gun Parts.  All in all you will end up with a properly done clone (assuming your C93 is otherwise defect free) for less than a Vector or similar build.  Of course, your resale value will be nil, but if you're like me and rarely get rid of rifles, it won't matter.
Link Posted: 12/10/2010 4:16:27 AM EDT
century probably wont touch it since you are the second owner? i would call their customer service and ask. i had to send back my first c93 and they fixed the bolt gap somehow.
Link Posted: 12/10/2010 4:46:31 AM EDT
Don't shoot it with a .000 obviously....I take it you know that.

CAI needs to get a call....so does the scammer that sold you the weapon unless you got a sweetheart deal.

To get it right, barrel needs to be pushed out and back in...and that will require some other things.  Check your triple...is it welded to the barrel like mine?  If so, it will require a new barrel and triple bare minimum to get it to spec and safe to shoot.
Link Posted: 12/10/2010 4:22:41 PM EDT
Unfortunately it's going to cost.  

Don't take the short cut version new rollers get the barrel re-spaced.

Mike Turner -Turner Fabrications Inc. Mesa Arizona
Azex in Arizona

There are other builders that you can send to but these are cost effective and/or go to weaponsguild and/or Militaryfirearms and do search they will show you how to DIY.

Hope this helps.
Link Posted: 12/10/2010 7:36:45 PM EDT
send it back, Century didnt ask about my Golani I sent it in, although I was original owner.

If you were somewhere around min tolerance after shooting several hundred rounds and the gap stopped shrinking, I would say +4 rollers.  But if you are down to zero, who knows if its stopped shrinking vs just temporarily running out of room to shrink.

I dont know why Century half asses so much, they go 90% of the way towards a decent rifle and just f'ing giving up on the last 10%.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 9:12:44 PM EDT
send it back, Century didnt ask about my Golani I sent it in, although I was original owner.

If you were somewhere around min tolerance after shooting several hundred rounds and the gap stopped shrinking, I would say +4 rollers.  But if you are down to zero, who knows if its stopped shrinking vs just temporarily running out of room to shrink.

I dont know why Century half asses so much, they go 90% of the way towards a decent rifle and just f'ing giving up on the last 10%.

Same here with my WASR probs; Century will help, contact them.

Don't even waste your time with +4 rollers - they - Century builders - have been sending them out with NON-standard oversized rollers. They know we will look for ground bolt heads, so they pulled that trick instead. If you try +4 it will make no diff.

Century didn't build these C93s - they subcontracted to the builds to Allied Armaments and Confederated Arms. Century is THEIR employer of last resort, and clearly their work on these C93s show their hit/miss attitude. Sadly for all of us, Wiselight didn't build these else they would have done it right.

Good luck with Century - they did me well with my replacement.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 9:16:05 PM EDT
The only fix is to press in a new barrel
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 10:58:38 AM EDT
The only fix is to press in a new barrel

sorry Bro to fix it right the barrel need to be replace .. we can do we have done also 60 of them ..
you can contact me at bro
[email protected]
or call 918-696-8715
Jeff aka (ghilliebear2000@hkpro)
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 4:34:04 PM EDT


The only fix is to press in a new barrel

sorry Bro to fix it right the barrel need to be replace .. we can do we have done also 60 of them ..

you can contact me at bro

[email protected]

or call 918-696-8715


Jeff aka (ghilliebear2000@hkpro)

I have heard a lot of good things about your shop.

Link Posted: 12/13/2010 6:55:38 PM EDT

The only fix is to press in a new barrel

sorry Bro to fix it right the barrel need to be replace .. we can do we have done also 60 of them ..
you can contact me at bro
[email protected]
or call 918-696-8715
Jeff aka (ghilliebear2000@hkpro)

I have heard a lot of good things about your shop.  

thank you Sir ... We like what we do,,,  but we could not do what we do with out are customers they are the best..
we know all work hard for there money ..and like there toys and tools to work right..

Link Posted: 12/15/2010 3:48:02 PM EDT
The only fix is to press in a new barrel

sorry Bro to fix it right the barrel need to be replace .. we can do we have done also 60 of them ..
you can contact me at bro
[email protected]
or call 918-696-8715
Jeff aka (ghilliebear2000@hkpro)

about how much $$ does it cost to have this done?

Link Posted: 12/15/2010 7:07:07 PM EDT
if you supply all parts looking at $125 plus shipping not refinshed  or $250 with refinished. shipping runs about $20-$40
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 9:28:57 PM EDT
Do it.  ghilliebear2000 is a master and WILL make it right.
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