send it back, Century didnt ask about my Golani I sent it in, although I was original owner.
If you were somewhere around min tolerance after shooting several hundred rounds and the gap stopped shrinking, I would say +4 rollers. But if you are down to zero, who knows if its stopped shrinking vs just temporarily running out of room to shrink.
I dont know why Century half asses so much, they go 90% of the way towards a decent rifle and just f'ing giving up on the last 10%.
Same here with my WASR probs; Century will help, contact them.
Don't even waste your time with +4 rollers - they - Century builders - have been sending them out with NON-standard oversized rollers. They know we will look for ground bolt heads, so they pulled that trick instead. If you try +4 it will make no diff.
Century didn't build these C93s - they subcontracted to the builds to Allied Armaments and Confederated Arms. Century is THEIR employer of last resort, and clearly their work on these C93s show their hit/miss attitude. Sadly for all of us, Wiselight didn't build these else they would have done it right.
Good luck with Century - they did me well with my replacement.