Ok... here is a topic relevant to my exploration of mosin accuracy.... I have a '43 made tula 91/30 that was already a little bubba'd but not much.... refinished the stock(was a horrible orangey-colored poly stain), did the trigger job polishing and bedded the stock with JB weld....Hey I got it for $75... what can I say, why not! I got three cases of 74, 76, and 77 manufactured 147 grain hardball... after figuring POI, and adjusting both front and rear sights to meet at POI, I was pretty pleased. I did two batches of ammo, one that was weighed on scale to match within .2 grains of each other, and another that was straight out of the factory packaging. The weighed rounds grouped only slightly better at around 1.25 inches at 100 yds with the factory packed rounds coming in around 1.5-1.75 inches.
When the factory 182 grain practice match ammo became available around 4 years ago (1969 manufacture), I wanted to try some...then, almost immediately, some of the olympic 203 grain ammo made in '71 came around.... got both.
The 182 grain ammo in my rifle went into groups that were averaging 2 to 2.25 inches at 100 yds, but the funniest thing was that the olympic match 203gn ammo was absolutely terrible..... at the best groups were at 3 inches... worst were around 4 inches.....and the recoil out of the 203 gn match ammo was terrible.... had to install the slipover recoil to deal with the recoil on the 203 grain rounds...UGH!