I have had my mind made up on a Liberty Franklin 50 for awhile. Stopped in to Clark Bros Guns in Warrenton, VA. I didn't realize the internal hinges on the liberty would not allow the door to open >90 degrees.
I never considered a Browning safe. They were never on my list.
I was impressed with the HW34. Same gauge steel as the liberty. Nearly identical fire "rating". The interior is much more spartan, but I'm not putting a recliner in there, so it isn't much of a concern. I am 99.9999% certain it is not made in the USA, since every other Browning safe has "Made in the USA" tattooed across the lock.
No online reviews that I can find. One sales pitch from some safe reseller on youtube.
The 90 degree door swing limit is steering me away from the liberty. If I put the "pry side" against a wall, I will have to wiggle in to get in front of my safe.
Anyone have any experience with Browning Heavyweights?
PS: I'm not bashing Liberty. It is a heck of a product. I just dont think it will work in my space.