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Posted: 8/4/2008 4:04:43 PM EDT
Just though I'd post my attempts at trigger mods for the AUG from the MSAR forums.

MOD\FIX #1       Scroll Down for MOD #2


Inspect your hammer pack.
On mine the sear assembly (the big piece that moves back and forth when you pull the trigger) was tightly wedged into the hammer pack.

The sear assembly has four tiny contact points that ride the walls and keep it centered.
If yours is tight like mine you might want to lube the contact points and work the trigger a lot 500+ times.
There is no need to cock the hammer each time.

Clean the grit out when done.

OR  <--- NOTE: Taking apart the hammer pack may VOID your warranty?

If you feel confident take apart the hammer pack and buff the contact points till you get minimal friction but no slop.
This made a huge difference in the feel of my trigger.

Note: You can't really feel this friction while fighting the sear\trigger spring, but released the spring and it's easy to detect.

As with ALL stupid web ideas proceed with caution and DON'T DO ANY OF THE ABOVE!!
Before doing any modification to your rifle consult with a LICENCED GUNSMITH before any alteration.

The above MOD fixed one users problem with his Trigger Tamer

MOD #2

Note:This temporary mod can and will VOID some warranties? You've been warned!!
As with ALL stupid web ideas DON'T DO ANY OF THIS!!

After reading about the trigger tamer not working in some STG rifles.
I decided to build this cheap alternate to see if a T.T. would work at all.

I used high strength wire and pliers to shape it.

If you try this idea make sure you can still install and remove the "Butt Plate Retaining Pin" from the hammer pack
BEFORE placing the hammer pack into the stock.

Just like the T.T. this doohickey gives the trigger spring a new resting spot making for less spring pressure on the trigger.
This also LOWERS the DISCONNECTOR TENSION and MAY allow the HAMMER to follow the bolt FORWARD.

So if you try this idea make sure once your working with live ammo to only load ONE round in the gun.
Followed by a dummy round in the clip.

Fire the round "Bang" then make sure that the hammer falls again when you pull the trigger on the dummy round.
Repeat 20-30 times or until you feel it's catching the hammer and reseting the trigger dependably.

You can NOT do this safety test by dry firing as you can't cycle the gun fast enough to learn anything
Live Ammo tested as of 6-21-08 Worked Great!! NOT PROOF it will work in any other rifle!!

This mod makes the rifle less safe as the trigger is easier to pull accidentally
Before doing any modification to your rifle consult with a LICENCED GUNSMITH before any alteration.


Link Posted: 9/22/2008 10:32:02 AM EDT
Bump for some damn good info.
Link Posted: 9/22/2008 3:13:35 PM EDT
This should be a Tacked thread, and I dont even own a AUG or clone yet...
Link Posted: 9/22/2008 5:41:04 PM EDT
LOL, dont' worry, if Hardshell doesn't tack it I'll just bump it every couple fo weeks so it won't slide into the archive.
Link Posted: 9/23/2008 8:59:14 AM EDT
I've been told that you can achieve the same thing just by bending that spring out to relieve some of the tension.  It is possible to bend it too much though, so it would be good to have some spares on hand.
Link Posted: 11/9/2008 8:07:06 PM EDT
LOL, dont' worry, if Hardshell doesn't tack it I'll just bump it every couple fo weeks so it won't slide into the archive.

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 4:59:34 PM EDT
LOL, dont' worry, if Hardshell doesn't tack it I'll just bump it every couple fo weeks so it won't slide into the archive.

When my AXR gets here I will play around with the Trigger Tamer and post pics here.

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