Hey folks!
I just bought my 870 12 ga. with a synthetic stock and am currently saving for a mag. extension, a barrel cut-down/ GRS install by GunCat, and some other "upgrades" pertinent to home defense, but in the meantime, I was wondering if you experts had any suggestions on how I could improve the function, action, reliablilty, smoothness, etc. on this thing, armed with nothing but some sanding blocks, files, stones, a dremel and other tool shop doodads. I know 870s don't REALLY need any help with function or reliability- my youth model 870 that my dad bought me when I was 12 has busted more clays, doves, turkeys, and squirrels than I would care to count without a single malfunction!
Any suggestions, comments, or warnings to lock my workshop with all my tools inside and throw away the key before I do something stupid are greatly appreciated!