I was looking around and I foud the "unsized bullets" for 50bmg. do you have to somehow size the bullet before you load it? how is it done? what would happen if you don't?
To size the bullet (assuming its ball or AP) spray a box of them down with spray brass lube. Then use a .510 sizer die from LEE, designed for cast bullets and a standard press and push the bullets through the die. Then tumble the lube off. Wipe off the Lube manually if you are sizing API or Tracer as you shouldn't tumble bullets containing pyro material. These sizer dies are about $15 from midway.
The reason you need to size pulled bullets is that sometimes they get mashed a bit out of round when pulled from the milsurp ammo they were loaded into. Pushing them through a sizer die returns them to round and if there are any pull marks, it irons them out to where they won't be a problem.
Shooting bullets that are out of round can lead to overpressure problems as the rifle barrel will have to swage the bullet back to round in the throat. Shooting out of round bullets will likely result in excessive copper fouling as more copper gets smeared onto one side of the throat than the others, leading to uneven barrel wear.
My motto is to always size pulled milsurp bullets. I don't size NEW milsurp bullets like the South African ball but I do size all milsurp bullets, even if the seller says they are sized. Afterall, i'm shooting them through my gun, not his.
Edgewood, NM