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Posted: 8/21/2006 3:50:31 PM EDT
Im about to buy an 870 express for home defense with occasional skeet shooting.

The 26" barrel would be easier to swing around in a defense situation (and probably balance better) but would I be giving up any accuracy or velocity going with a barrel 2" shorter?

What are the pros and cons to each?
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 4:37:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 4:47:40 PM EDT
You might want to check out the 870 Express Turkey.  Its comes with a 21" barrel and has the extended turkey choke.  Just get a different choke and your good to go.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 6:00:29 PM EDT
What he said (get a shorter barrel).

From what I've read, shotgun patterns are dictated by choke, not by barrel length.  In other words, a 22" full choke tube will throw the same pattern as a 30" full choke tube.

The longer barrels can be helpful with swing and such, but the choke sets the pattern.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 4:13:48 PM EDT
That express turkey looks like a good SD barrel length.

Could I buy that turkey barrel by itself?
If so where could I get it?

Im tempted to just run down to walmart and get an 870 now
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 8:11:51 PM EDT
I can't find the barrel by itself, don't know why.  Its not at midway, and not listed on remingtons website.  You can special order the Express Turkey through wal-mart.

Go here and read how: Link
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