I got the conversion done. Pics later, forgot to take any of the gun. Got a few of the groups I shot =).
Hogue Overmold
SS Ruger 10/22 receiver & bolt (Gifts from my father years back)
Volquartsen TG2000 Complete trigger pack
Power Custom weighted bolt handle & heavy spring
Titanium Firing Pin & Extractor
Majestic Arms 17HM2 17" barrel, Aluminum & Stainless steel
Centerpoint 4-16x40 (Walmart $70 special)
Going to send it off to ADCO for threading so I can put a suppressor on it.
I like setting up my guns so I can carry them (i.e. lightweight) so no heavy laminated thumb hole stock on this one. Want to be able to wander around and shoot ground rats for hours at a time and shoot offhand =).
I did have one Kaboom (27th shot out of 145 down the pipe). Inspected the round to find a crack near the mouth. Inspected the ammo to find 3 out of 150 cracked on the case mouth straight out of the box unfired. 2 hand mangled mouths so I didnt fire those either (hence 145 fired out of 150). Going to be contacting the manufacturer about the lot # and possible replacement.
I checked all of the ammo following shot # 27 to make sure this problem was not repeated.
These were the best groups of the day, but don't represent the average group (closer to 0.75" average w/ 5 shot groups). Few fliers here and there, closed up once I weighed the ammo and shot in groups sorted by weight. My bolt action Marlin 917 in 17HMR definitely shoots better though.