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Posted: 4/17/2017 10:45:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 3:04:20 PM EDT
Nice, and thanks for taking the time to write and share this info. It can help someone like me that reload and want info on certain factory loads I wish to maybe mimic.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 10:12:21 PM EDT
Great test, thanks OP! @bfoosh06

Really a great job of testing a ton of 9mm loads and providing their velocity from a 16" 9mm AR.  CCI Blazer 9mm is good for over 450 foot pounds of energy from the 16" barrel. Sounds good to me! Some +P ammo brings you to over 550 pounds. Again, a great report... the OP must have spent a good bit of money and time testing and posting all of those loads. Thank you for all the information.

I have 2 9mm AR's. They needed a little tweaking to get running right, but they are fun rifles and cheap to shoot. A big plus for me is that my local range does not permit rapid fire of centerfire rifles, but PCC's are permitted on the pistol course with no such limitation... needless to say, now I hit the pistol range with my 9mm AR. At 15 yards, a quick magazine through the pistol usually gives me a 6" or more group. Switch to the 9mm carbine and its easy to be faster and get a 2" group.
Link Posted: 4/19/2017 11:59:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 8:03:59 PM EDT
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