To answer some of your question, yes, I am running a scope, and yes, I am getting a "chin weld".
I was thinking about doing this as it would be something different that nobody else has done, and from the issues you guys are addressing. I can see why it has not been done. I could try to round the corners of the "riser" portion to make the cutting easier. I do agree with "ILove2Shoot", in that I should drill the holes through the stock before I cut so I can have them prefectly lined up.
I think it would be doable, but I do agree, it's gonna be a pain. If I was just doing this on a 10/22 stock, I would probably go for it, but the stock I would be doing it on is a factory 10/22 Magnum birch stock, and I dont want to FUBAR the stock.
I guess it looks and sounds like a good idea, but exicution of it will deffinitly be a bit of a pain.
One other thing I was thinking was to have the holes in the lower stock all the way through, and have the "pins" mounted securely on the top portion. Then use some threaded inserts with larger knobs going prependicular to the side of the stock that would lock up the "pins", so adjustment would be done by loosening the side knobs, moving the comb up or down, and then tightening them.