The M73 is 2 piece drop in and I think it has heat sheilds, it's sad I have one and I can't remember if it does. I have used a few different forearms and the M73 is by far my favorite, it's made extremely well and locks up tights as hell and doesn't move. Definetly a good buy. Alot of peopl complain about it having lower rails that do not meet even with the receiver rail but for me that is one of the reasons I like it. When you put hard rail covers on it doesn't make the forearm to large for your hands as others do also if you are going to mount something like an OTAL it's going to sit lower and out of the view of your optic. All around it's a great forearm for a very good price. If the lower rails bother you them go with the MI #17 which is my 2nd favorite and just as good as the M73 but with regular sized rails and usally a little less exspensive.